Mo Fun Out of Control ....Guilty as charged Sir!

Mo Fun Out of Control ....Guilty as charged Sir!
yGuilty stoops down and peers into the gutter....yoo hooo..... you two do know I was talking about chatting right? #-o  ](*,)

Gee it's hard to be a sweet and innocent little angel around these guys  :pray:

 guiltypleasures [ 30 Jun 2003 00:42 ]

Mo Fun Out of Control ....Guilty as charged Sir!
I believe it was you who started dragging everybody into the gutter. GP.
You did appear all sweet & innocent in the beginning, but now..

But that's how we like it. Right boys?  :D/

 Deviant_Viking [ 30 Jun 2003 00:44 ]
You are absolutely right Ken.
I was not the one to begin the post. When the ever so innocent Ms. Pleasures showed me her  beaver pic, well.....

the thread began to plummet at high speed quickly towards the ever so near toilet ! :pottytrain5:  
Me being a "bad boy" afterall, helped the thread on its merry way.
I was helped by the likes of Tormentor and Ozy and then you Ken.
You all appear to be "bad boys", so I don't feel all alone.

It is difficult to effectively know how the female brain works and even more difficult when words like "beaver", "threesome" and "nekkid" are thrown it confuse our man brains .... :bigrinnin:

 Den Tracy [ 30 Jun 2003 01:08 ]
Okay, hold it right there you nuts, the beaver is stuffed!! Geeze, can't a girl collect stuffed beavers??? I tell you, it's not me that has my mind in the gutter...I am innocent (you guys aren't buying a word of this are you? hhahah)

Guilty as charged

 guiltypleasures [ 30 Jun 2003 01:27 ]
Quote from Den: "The blonde signorina is out of control    after a mere few days here !
Looks like our campaign to corrupt or bring out the "bad"  is working nicely .... !"
He also made the comment about me being handy in you how he brainwashed me into all this...I"ve been framed, someone call my lawyer...Call 911...Call Super Chicken!!!
Opps, sorry a bit too much sugar in my soda I guess..I'm better now..really I am :oops:

 guiltypleasures [ 30 Jun 2003 01:38 ]
Welcome along Deviant_Viking,

Good to see you around. It's always like this here. We lure innocent females into our forum and then they turn nasty. Happens all the time, this is like the, well, actually the first time, really.

It's all in good fun, of course  :bigrinnin:

 Ozymandias Jones [ 30 Jun 2003 01:50 ]
Ozy, so what your saying is that you really have never done this before and your not quiet sure what to do with me now that you have me right?  :lmao:

 guiltypleasures [ 30 Jun 2003 01:56 ]
Men, we're all the same  :(

We all talk big, but then when confronted... well, we just fall apart in the presence of a beautiful woman.

 Ozymandias Jones [ 30 Jun 2003 02:08 ]
Well I guess I will go with that then...but I surely don't think of myself in the beautiful woman catagory, but hey I'll take a nice compliment anyway I can get it these days...  :)
I haven't had this much fun since I had my irc channel a few years ago...this is so much like it and it's brining back a lot of fond memories of the fun we all had there. My ex and I used to also run a bbs (before internet) called the Coffee shop and because it was local and pretty much only people from our small town where we lived called it, most of them would find their way to our house (Which then became known as "The coffe shop" for coffee and computer talk, it was a lot of fun, and we got to meet a lot of interesting people and made quiet a few new friends that way. Technology does have it's place I think at times.
Now where is my hammer, I'm going to smash this *&#% computer if it doesn't stop messing up on me!


 guiltypleasures [ 30 Jun 2003 02:16 ]
We have an unblemished record thus far :

1 for 1 on the luring and corrupting part.

Ain't that right, Beave ?  :bigrinnin:

 Den Tracy [ 30 Jun 2003 02:54 ]
Out of fear I'll just go along with anything you say Den...I am afraid of what may happen if I don't lol


 guiltypleasures [ 30 Jun 2003 03:24 ]
I don't really think there's that many other women who'd instantly show off her beaver like that though

 Deviant_Viking [ 30 Jun 2003 07:53 ]
I'm not touching that comment... you're on your own!

 Ozymandias Jones [ 30 Jun 2003 07:55 ]
And I shall surely be punished for it.
But now I've had my 6- hours of sleep, and shall go sleep-depraved to work.
If I can find a decent pair of pants to wear, that is..

 Deviant_Viking [ 30 Jun 2003 08:13 ]
Please do find some pants Ken, Nekkid time doesn't start until 7 pm sharp!

I also find if you sleep at work, you will be refreshed enough to party all night.
Just my thoughts on this, for what they are worth.

Guilty of something

 guiltypleasures [ 30 Jun 2003 17:04 ]
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