Welcome to WildChild !

Welcome to WildChild !
They were not too expensive, I usually buy them when they are marked down as junk box items.


 pangor [ 08 Apr 2005 19:43 ]

Welcome to WildChild !
My villagers always start uprises/uproars - then i 'm taken to the slaveship. I hardly ever have enemies :-k But the few times they pop up my army beats them :dancing:  O:)

 TdaC [ 08 Apr 2005 23:13 ]
Ever played "Emperor of the Fading Suns"?


 pangor [ 09 Apr 2005 00:11 ]
No... or are you talking to Posy?  :bigrinnin:

Funnily enough I got into the Pharaoh sim more easily than the others... but then I have a bent for anything pharonic. But loved them all. You're right pangor, mastering one did not mean that the next would be easy! There was enough changed in the game play to keep it fresh and challenging.

By the way, I just read that Age of Empires III in on the way :clap:

Now I'v got something to really look forward to in the game world.  :)

 Ozymandias Jones [ 10 Apr 2005 23:35 ]
I am speaking with a few other clients on the Internet. What happened?

 Posy [ 10 Apr 2005 23:35 ]

Now I'v got something to really look forward to in the game world.

I suggest Wolfenstein enemy territory  :whistle: (and it's free)

 Tormie [ 10 Apr 2005 23:49 ]
Ozymandias, I was asking everyone about EFS.  It is a great game with some very interesting middle ages and Byzantine overtones in the far future, but I think that it was rushed to market too soon.  After a number of patches it is much better.  I have tried a couple of the user created pathes for the game "Hyperion" and "Nova" that many seem to like, but for me they seems to ruin the atmosphere of the game.  Soft of like turning "Dune" into "The Road Warrior".

 pangor [ 11 Apr 2005 00:23 ]
Try Wolfenstein: Blood, weapons, frags, blood, smoke, explosions, blood, heavy weapons, granades, blood...  :bigrinnin:

Last edited by Tormie on 11 Apr 2005 01:10; edited 1 time in total 
 Tormie [ 11 Apr 2005 01:10 ]
As an old Wolfenstien 3D, Wolfenstien SOD, Doom, and Duke Nuke'm 3D player, I am interested in trying Wolfenstein enemy territory again.  The last time I tried it, it would not run.  It had problems and would not run, a while back, I had to change my video card, so maybe it will be OK.


 pangor [ 11 Apr 2005 01:31 ]
The original Doom and Quake 1 & 2... ahhhh yes, those were the days  :bigrinnin: Playing until first light, then going off to work with my eyes hanging out of my head...  #-o

Must check out Wolfenstien... heard a lot about it from somewhere  :whistle:

 Ozymandias Jones [ 11 Apr 2005 06:14 ]
Reminds me of an old sig.  As I recall, it read something like this.

1. You know that you have been playing too much Doom when you start pressing the walls in your home, just in case.
2. You know that you have been playing too much Duke Nukem 3D when women start looking overdressed.
3.  #2 is an oxymoron.
4.  Hey! Who you calling a moron!  Come get some! -- Duke's commentary on #3.


 pangor [ 11 Apr 2005 08:34 ]

 Ozymandias Jones [ 12 Apr 2005 05:16 ]

I liked too much Duke Nuk'em  :bigrinnin: . I waited a lot for Duke Nuk'em Forever but they cancelled the project  :x !

Last edited by Tormie on 14 Apr 2005 08:16; edited 1 time in total 
 Tormie [ 14 Apr 2005 08:16 ]
I was waiting for that one as well.  I was disappointed when they went back to the side slider format.  I like playing first person shooters; but I have trouble with third person shooters, my character always ends up bumping into walls, backing up, turning, and bumping again.  Side sliders are ok, I suppose, however they have not been my format of choice, it is not as immersive as the first person situation.

The funny thing about DN3D is how controversial it was when it first came out.  Not because of the violence or subthemes, but because of the dancers, strippers, and the Redlight district setting of the second level.  At the store where I bought it, they kept the original version of it on the top shelf behind the counter.  But the platnium pack and the Atomic editions, were stored on the normal shelf.  The Kill-a-Ton package that contined the original and Atomic versions and a lot more, was also kept in the open.

While I suspect that almost anyone who played it sooner or latter tried out the nude patch.


 pangor [ 14 Apr 2005 16:47 ]
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