Rumors and Rene's Truths

Rumors and Rene's Truths
Post Rumors and Rene's Truths 
I was shocked to find out that after a botched operation I"d preformed on myself I was admited to the hospital to have both arms amputated (which certainly would help the carpel tunnel issues) and was accidentaly put in for brain surgery....well I'm here to put an end to all those rumors either started by others or maybe by me lol
I would like to say, yes I'm going to be having surgery on my left arm for the carpel tunnel and also for a pinched ulnar <sp?> nerve by my elbow, but I'm still waiting for the doctor's office to set up the surgery date to do this. The actual reason I haven't been posting much this week is due to a death in my boyfriends family. His Neice's husband was found dead in his home on Sunday, they think it was due to bad health and a lot of drinking. The neice was seprated from him and was planing a divorce but she's still pretty upset about it as our her two young childred. Her husband lived in the same town as us and so she needed her brother to drive her here to view the body, and do all the things one must do when someone dies. So her brother and his wife and kids have been staying with us and I've had a house full of kids and people so not a lot of time to spend on the computer. Looks like tomorrow things are going to settle back down and I'll be back to start a new set of rumors of what happened to landman's blue marble.
I do want to thank each and everyone of you for all the concern and wellwishes, so if you would all kindly cut and paste those thoughts into your note pad you could use them again at a later date when I'm actually in surgery

You guys are the best!

 guiltypleasures [ 29 Apr 2004 02:29 ]

Rumors and Rene's Truths
I'm sorry for what happened to your family       ... I hope that thing will go better in the future...

 Tormie [ 29 Apr 2004 07:02 ]
Sorry to hear about what has happened in your family and with youtr health.

 TdaC [ 29 Apr 2004 10:22 ]
We´re with you, GP

About the operation, my father( a musician like me, or better, the other way ´round) had to have it done some years ago(he couldn´t play his instrument any more), and he never had any problems later. It all was just perfect.
Just to encourage you a bit

 ahjah [ 29 Apr 2004 10:36 ]
You look after yourself and your loved ones.  We'll all still be here, we'll just make up even more outrageous rumours  
Take care
Mon and Cathy

 Paul Mon [ 29 Apr 2004 12:05 ]
I was in a way hoping you had that all behind you but I guess not.I know it can be a stress waiting and all.I to have had a friend die so I am with you in prayers that you will get threw all of it. Take care and you got a friend always.

 tda42 [ 29 Apr 2004 12:53 ]
I had a pinched ulnar in my blue marble once......
then it got lost.......

Can I come sleep over at your house?
I'll take care of that nasty Hemorrhoid, I mean Carpel Tunnels....

 Landman [ 29 Apr 2004 15:03 ]
I'll stay out of that topic.

 tda42 [ 29 Apr 2004 18:56 ]
My best wishes for you and your family Rene! Sorry for this mess people!     

 JanReinar [ 29 Apr 2004 19:11 ]
Sorry I'm a bit late... Had some challenges of my own.

Take care of yourself and I hope all works out.  

 Ozymandias Jones [ 30 Apr 2004 01:42 ]
Den's best friend had surgery on both hands for that condition about five years ago.

Sorry to hear about the bad news.
Take care.

 Bonnie [ 30 Apr 2004 12:23 ]
You guys are still the best
Well the company's gone, bf's back on the road <truck driving> and in a few min both kids will be at school, so now I can sit on my rump and play
I'm still waiting on a call from the doctor's office to set up my surgery, hopefully they will call today and I'll know more. I've been told it's a minor type surgery, I'll be in and out the same day and back home to whip my kids into shape so they will do all my work while I'm recouping. Land, you can have my couch, but you have to share it with my dog and you will have to do my dishes
Ozy, thank you and don't worry about being late, I understand challenges

 guiltypleasures [ 03 May 2004 15:21 ]
Who tells you that?

 Posy [ 03 May 2004 15:21 ]
Can I hump the dogs leg?

 Landman [ 03 May 2004 15:23 ]
Sure land, she's been fixed so you can have your way with her and no need for me to worry about her getting knocked up          

 guiltypleasures [ 03 May 2004 15:47 ]
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