Anouncement On GP's Surgery

Anouncement On GP's Surgery
Post Anouncement On GP's Surgery 
My surgery date is May 25th at 11:00 am, and I should be home by that afternoon. I'll let you know when I'm back home (may have to have my kids type for me, or have Messenger fill you in) Keep your fingers, eyes and legs crossed for me that they don't remove any body parts or do brain surgery on me and that I'm still able to make pretty pictures and type silly things after all is said and done

 guiltypleasures [ 03 May 2004 21:15 ]

Anouncement On GP's Surgery
Don't worry, I feel that all will be fine   !
You will have only little problems to cut your toenails and to use toilet paper with my plastic pirate's hooks   ...

you can push the keyboard with a party plastic nose ! No problem   !

 Tormie [ 03 May 2004 21:19 ]
As I said: My best wishes for you Rene!                              

 JanReinar [ 03 May 2004 21:19 ]

 guiltypleasures [ 03 May 2004 21:22 ]
  I like the way you talk.

 Posy [ 03 May 2004 21:22 ]
Only a little bribe and I'll send a little suggestion to your surgeon... He will not fail, I can assure it...

Last edited by Don Vito Corleone on 03 May 2004 21:32; edited 1 time in total 
 Don Vito Corleone [ 03 May 2004 21:31 ]

 Tormie [ 03 May 2004 21:36 ]
Well you take care of those little hands and I am sure you'll be doing the ol art thinggy in no time.But I'll be standing by as always and waiting on some good news.Just don't say something really corny when you are under.Like the wonderful thing about Tiggers and try to explain the concept in that sentence alone.Give away Posetteforever secrets to the male nurses.Not that you would do such a thing but hey one never knows.

 tda42 [ 03 May 2004 21:42 ]
Well that's okay.               Yes I take care of those little hands and he or she is sure you will be doing the ol art thinggy in no time. I don't have  away Posetteforever secrets to the male nurses   to give.

 Posy [ 03 May 2004 21:42 ]
See!Even she is telling stuff.

 tda42 [ 03 May 2004 21:44 ]

 JanReinar [ 04 May 2004 00:46 ]
thats ok ..GP if I am answering your messages for you while you can't type I promise to garble everything up and not tell them exactly what you are saying...after all I can type what I like and you won't be able to stop me ..hehehehe   

 messenger [ 08 May 2004 05:48 ]
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