your opinion needed

your opinion needed
Post your opinion needed 
Hi freinds, today I received this PM from the new member: I can't understand what's the meaning of this one, so before reacting in a bad way I need your opinion, please

To: Tormentor
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 15:46
Subject: Crust  
So what you do for one mate ?

 Tormie [ 22 Nov 2005 20:11 ]

your opinion needed
P.S. Actually the guy is really from Australia, he uses a provider from Camberra, and he's coming from here :

(7300 + posts)

He comes here after seeing this:

I don't know, I'm probably misunderstanding his PM...

Anyway, I'm going to ask something to the owner of that place because of this:

What to say about that place? LOL! I'm not the only mad guy around the world... Anyway it looks to me too much hardcore/fetish oriented place to be a part of it for me...

 Tormie [ 22 Nov 2005 20:12 ]
Found at the thread tormie  put a link to at above post:
"Has anyone thought to invite this obviously SW-interested guy to our humble forum? "

What's SW?...

 TdaC [ 22 Nov 2005 21:05 ]
I think it stands for "Small Women".

 Tormie [ 22 Nov 2005 21:10 ]
It is could me a flame or more probable he wants to see some Porn Pics with you and Posy!  :mmmh:

I agree with that place is hardcore and his is a trouble maker in their standers! I will keep a eye on him!

 JanReinar [ 23 Nov 2005 00:48 ]
Hi Tormie...

You've been caught by a piece of classic old Australian Slang!

When you meet someone for the first time, instead of asking...

"So what do you do to earn a living?"

We'll say...

"What'd'ya do for a crust, mate?" that is crust as in bread, and bread as in money!

Hope that helps  :lol:

 Ozymandias Jones [ 23 Nov 2005 00:56 ]
Hi Davide
I think, we should have an eye or two on this person, for they seem to have had some trouble on the other board with this guy, before.
I don´t feel too comfortable about him, his introduction is too offensive for my taste...
We don´t have to decide about this right now, everyone deserves a chance :)
Maybe, he´ll leave soon, when he discovers, that we´re not too much into his fetish thingie, anyway :mmmh:

 ahjah [ 23 Nov 2005 01:19 ]
Just reading around the other forum he does seem to be a bit of a trouble-maker... let's wait and see

 Ozymandias Jones [ 23 Nov 2005 03:20 ]
Thank you firends, and thank you very much Brett  :lol: ! Yes, everyone deserves a chance, so we'll wait and see...

 Tormie [ 23 Nov 2005 03:53 ]
Have been off-line most of the day.  So I am getting in late to this issue.

Thank you Bret, for explaining that slang reference.  I did not reconise it, so it had me scratching my head too.

I have looking into that site, and I agree that this person is trouble there and could well be trouble here too.  However, until he causes trouble here there is no reason to take actions.

That said, his introduction posting does not sound good.  I was unfamiliar with the terms GTS and SW as he uses them.  I did a web search and found that SW is small women and GTS is giantess.  He may be mistaken as to what the purpose of this site is.  Also his comment of "not caring" if he has upset anyone was somthing that I felt needed to be addressed.

As a result, to give him fair warning, I posted a welcome message and reminded him of the rules. I also cited that part of the purpose of this site that may not have been realized by him.

I will of course keep an eye on him.  I do hope that we won't have to hit the blue, yellow, or red buttons.  But that will depend on his actions.


 pangor [ 23 Nov 2005 08:36 ]
I simply think that when he found that this is not a fetish/porn site he will leave because it's of no interest for him. Actually I'm glad to have been cited on another forum but they should have mistaken my pictures with Posy that are not about "dominance" but me and her are on the same level (If not Posy  :heartbeat: upper than me  :roll: ) and Posy is not a "real" woman but a virtual character that interacts with me. There is a mmm... "philosophical" difference in the two concept, so that I don't feel comfortable lurking that site, even if I have to say that there are many different personalities writing there

 Tormie [ 23 Nov 2005 19:59 ]
I agree Davide! I had been lurking on that forum and all material post there is about domination! That people things that size is power! I think that it is a misunderstanding. HIS misunderstanding!

 JanReinar [ 23 Nov 2005 22:26 ]
I have also looked at that site, I did find one item there that I thought was cute and sweet.  It showed friendship, I liked it.  But can guess what that one item is?  The picture of Posy and Tormie that the linked to from our album.  The rest of what I saw, well, it did not make me feel confortable.

I also believe that he will not be here for long, once he realizes what we are about.  However, he may return from time to time.  They have banned him for a month in the past, If they do it again. he may think of this as a place to come while waiting to be let back in over there.  Also he may visit our album from time to time.

This issues has given me an idea for a title for a series of pictures.  A title that would lead to disappointment for someone with his ideas.  The title would be "The Little Woman".  That is an old slang in this area that means "The Wife".  Now all I need is time and inspiration of what to include in the pictures and maybe story.  With that title, the women libbers will hate me!  Maybe I sould reconsider.  I am adding it to my ideas list for a maybe some day item.

I also verified that his use of "RP" is reference to role play.  But without the "G" for game as in "RPG" or "FRPG".  I am not so certain about the innocense of his comment about RP, I think that it is another risque reference by him, considering what I skimmed at that website.

Either way, we can assume that he is or soon will be gone.  If he does create a problem, we will deal with that when the time comes.  For now that is about all that I think we can say.

Oh, Tormie, your pictures of Posy, Angela, and you are charming, sweet, and delightful.  Even when Posy get her dander up.  The is American slang for getting irritated and angered, like when a big lizard took a piece of the cake and Posy thought it was you. ;-)  There is no comparison between what you create and what they have over there.


 pangor [ 24 Nov 2005 00:50 ]
That place also give me a idea for a series but our "new aussie friend" could will think that its a kind of flame. In Brazil some kinds of "little people" are not the nice faeries of the north but dangerous creatures to be feared with poison darts and deadlly aim! I begin thinking in a "little woman" as a sniper to a future SF series... But I don't want to hurt anyone feelings!

 JanReinar [ 24 Nov 2005 01:08 ]
I have read about them in some anthropology and mysteries books.

This is a good idea.  It is a part of your nation's culture, so fear not, use it.

The little people up above the equator are not so nice either.  Many are known simply as "the gentry", implying that they are the true aristocracy.  In ancient times faeries, also known as the "fair folks" were known as 6 to 9 foot (2 to 3 meters) tall, slender and graceful, noble warriors and people of high knowledge and powers.

As time went by, the became smaller and more nasty.  People through out the northern hemisphere, North America, Asia, and Europe feared them.  Then in time they started to described as we now hear them.  A little more than a hundred years ago, it was common to see art of faery hunting parites riding mice attacking and killing innocent animals and people.

People have long feared circles in the grass lands as beign faerie rings, places that faeries have held their rituals and dances.  Entering a faerie ring was thought to be a danger for that person could  become a target for vicious little people or to be befriended by them to only meet a pitiful end.

There is a story of a man who stepped into a faerie ring and crossed into the faerie world.  He was imprisioned as an intruder by (still human sized, no wings) faeries.  While their queen was interogating him she became enchanted and soon fell in love with the man.  To gain his freedom, he agreed to be her consort.  When a year from the date of his capture arrived, be learned where the site was to return to the human world.  He made good his escape, but as he returned home, he found that everything looked different.  No one he knew was there.  While he lived one year, our world had aged hundreds of years.  Feeling that this world had nothing left to offer him he chose to return the world of Faeries.  Before he got back to the circle, the years caught up to him, he quickly aged and turned to dust and soon he, his clothing, and all he was carrying was scattered and lost by the wind.


 pangor [ 24 Nov 2005 01:49 ]
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