Whazizname gallery pic

Whazizname gallery pic
Post Whazizname gallery pic 
Are there any issues with Whazizname's picture "none"? Got a "don't have permission to view".  No problems with the others, tho.

Starting to get way behind in viewing the gallery, gonna try to get caught up.

 melamkish [ 09 May 2006 01:54 ]

Whazizname gallery pic
No problem that I know of, I will look into it.  The picture is in the new Early works gallery, I may have make a mistake with permission when I set it up.  I will report the level of mu error shortly.

BTW, even if there were a problem with the picture, all staff member should still have access to it.

 pangor [ 09 May 2006 03:07 ]
I adjusted the permission of that gallery slightly.  Let me know if it is working for you now.  If you are are still having trouble seeing that picture try to view my pictures Sea Urn I and Sea Urn II, they are in the same gallery.

 pangor [ 09 May 2006 03:58 ]
Working now.  I did know that staff should be able to view "flagged" pics, should have asked if it was a permission issue instead of a more vague issue question.

Thanks for the fix.

 melamkish [ 09 May 2006 13:56 ]
You are welcome.  :)

 pangor [ 09 May 2006 16:57 ]
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