Please read, we need help and informations and ideas.

Please read, we need help and informations and ideas.
Post Please read, we need help and informations and ideas. 
Hello friends,

I think you all know how I have been taking care of my mother (AKA Centarian here on PF).  Also of all the troubles of the last year that we survived.  This year is beginning even worse.  During this past weekend, my mom got very ill.  I guess it was sneaking up on her and she did not notice it and so I didnt know either.  On Sunday, I had to call the paramedics to take her to the emergency room of the hospital.  It was found that she has a bad infection, and she is in the hospital.  We have not general doctor, our last one retired some years ago.  So the emergency room doctor is handling the case.  But that doctor is not very good.  In her attitude and personality.  Her stated opinion is that my Mom has lived long enough, and she wanted to withhold all treatment.  I feeding, liquids, and antibiotics were beign provided  by IV (into the vien).  BUt late yesterday afternoon they stopped that in favor of a feeding tube.  So far they have not provided that, and they are still not providing her the items that they stopped.  My concerns are being ignored.  I am serving as Attorney in fact for my Mom, who did execute a legal document placeing me in that position for her health care if she were in a condition like now.

She is not talking or responding in most ways.  She has shown that she is aware by reponding more to me when I am there han she does for others.  But they are refusing to accept that informaiton.  In addition, yesterday she tried to speak for the first time in days, but they called them random sounds with no meaning.  Well that is becasue they were listening in english and she was trying to speak in the old language of Genoa.  (She was asking for me at that time)

There is one specialist for what she has now, who helped her many years ago, and for her request, he helped me whrn I had a very bad case of pnenomia.  At that time I was barely better then than she is now.  I am trying to locate him, but so far no luck, by phone.  I know he is still involved at that hospital, I heard him paged on the loud speaker.  Today I am going to try to locate his office in person.

Davide, Thilda, did I forget anything?  If so please add it in.

 pangor [ 10 Jan 2007 14:19 ]

Please read, we need help and informations and ideas.
Post Re: Please read, we need help and informations and ideas. 
I'm trying to help pangor, but I'm too far to be really effective and above all I don't know the laws and regulations of his country and the things that he can do in his case. What I can suggest is to write this message everywhere, because those persons can do what they are doing because they feel covered by anonimity, if your case become public things will change soon. If someone from the USA has ideas, or know the right persons please contact pangor soon  :pray:


 Tormie [ 10 Jan 2007 14:58 ]
Post Re: Please read, we need help and informations and ideas. 
I'm sorry to hear that Pangor.
And I agree with Tormie you should write that on as many places as you can.
Is there some institution in USA which protect the rights of the patients in state hospitals, maybe contact them and complain about the tretment your mom received.
And also I don't know how the things are in USA but why don't try to contact your old GP. S/he may retired but s/he still may have connections and know some people from that branche. Can you find a new GP? I don't know what's the procedure in USA and how much time it takes to find a new GP but your old GP may direct you to some colleague which would know what to do.
You know I'm an atheist but tonight I'm going to pray for your mom.

 erenda [ 10 Jan 2007 18:24 ]
Post Re: Please read, we need help and informations and ideas. 
Hello Pangor :hug2:
Just got the news :pray: . I'd been wondering about you and your absence, already.
All I can say is I feel so sorry for you and especially for your mum, and I'm feeling pretty helpless right now.
We're with you, friend, and I'm wishing with all my heart, things will turn out the best they can. :pray:  :pray:  :pray:

 ahjah [ 10 Jan 2007 19:31 ]
Post Re: Please read, we need help and informations and ideas. 
My dear Pangor let me say and help you by giving you some advice. You have Power Of Attorney. You have the right to tell them to do anything. If they are not listening then I say use swift action buy getting an Attorney right away. Time is very critical and your mothers life may depend on it. Call your nearest News media in your local area. TV station to have a live news feed with you about your problems with legal matters of the Hospital in general. You may need to have the Attorney approach the court of your state to make the Hospital work with you. I hope this helps my friend.

 tda42 [ 11 Jan 2007 02:54 ]
Post Re: Please read, we need help and informations and ideas. 
Thank you everyone.

A little update.

Today was a day for blunders, mine included.

The first was when a priest visited.  Before he did anything, I took him out to the hall to talk.  I wanted to know what he was going to do.  She said he was going to read from the Bible a passage about healing for the sick and pray for my Mom's recovery.  I told him fine as long as it in no way could look like the last rites.  I ddn't want her upset, he agreed.  and the what did he do?  The passage he read was boderline and the rest certianly looked like the last rites to my Mom.  She was terrified, although she could not make a sound or produce any tears, she began to cry.  I could tell from her expression and facial actions.  It was that of her most distressed crying.  He was oblivious to her reaction.  It took me about an hour to calm her again.

The provided the feeding tube today, but the first time, they made several errors and had to redo it.  But before redoing, they needed fresh X-Rays to check for something.  Much later, the right one was provided the right way.  And in the meantime in between the once that did not work and the one that does, she was provided the IV again.  I was also told tha they had used it very early morning too, before I arrived.

Today I did contact the office of the specialist, and an appointment for his visiting was made.  But something else must have happened that needed his attention, he did not arrive.  I also located his office but when I did, it was already closed for the day.  Now that I know where he is, I will visit in person.

I did find one realy nice person.  The nurse that was attending my mom today, and is scheduled to do so for the next two days also.  She treats my Mom as a person.

P.S. Erenda, Knowing your feelings about such thing as religion, I know how special your praying is.  Thank you.

 pangor [ 11 Jan 2007 09:35 ]
Post Re: Please read, we need help and informations and ideas. 

All the best for your mother! My  prays are with you and your family. As many of us I don't know how the things are in USA to give you a valid advice but  my prays will be for your mother.

 JanReinar [ 11 Jan 2007 13:01 ]
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