It was bound to happen.

It was bound to happen.
Post It was bound to happen. 

That incident reguarding the works of "vonfranck" was a storm that would have happened even if the picture that was removed had been permitted to remain.  I did not notice the picture in question when it was here, but based on its description I encounted it at another site last night.

I have found more of his works at Rendervisions and based on posting dates, they were all old works by the time he started posting them here.
The pictures following that one are even more troublesome.

One is titled "Getting Naked for the Lord", it a large number of naked people in various positions, the people are a combination of rendered and camera photographs blended together, including one camera photograph of a naked man holding a bibile.  This is the worst pert of the picture because that man body is of one person that was combined with the head showing the clearly identifiable face (photograh not rendering) of the famous evangelist preacher Billy Graham.

Another of his works is titled "Queen Demimoore vrs the Empire".  It again features a multitude and naked people both rendered and photographic bombing a department store.  The leader of the attackers  has the face of the actress Demi Moore, (just as the title states).  The department store that they are attacking is WalMart.  A very big chain of department stores here in the United States.

Also I saw the same pattern took place at Rendervisions as it did here.  I saw no evidence of the blow up that happended here.  However, they (the gojira gang) were the ones who mostly commented on those works.  After a short time the all left Rendervisions in April.  While there they were there, they spoke about how they were mistreated at "The other place".  Which was easily identied in those discussions as Renderosity.

How did I find this?  I was posting my latest picture there and the little box on the edge of the page that shows a random picture from the gallery happened to show one of vonfranck's, the one that was removed here.


 pangor [ 28 Oct 2005 04:41 ]

It was bound to happen.
Thank you pangor. About it I began a search soon after the incident on yahoo because "they" said to have a group there. Obviously there are no yahoo group because the group is only in the brain of one individual. "Getting Naked for the Lord" was the picture complained here, I'm not deep in american culture and protagonists so now that you've seen it you can evaluate it better (you can also write the link here). I saw the "group" at rendervision too, I can go there only as guest, I don't know why but If I login I can see nothing, maybe a sort of ban or something similar and I don't know why because I don't remember to have posted something there   ... Actually Gojira is present at poserpros but not with his most controversial pictures. The strategy is a classic: he began with nice comments on other users pictures, then when he creates some "friends" maybe he'll begin with the hardcore. I don't think that at Poserpros that kind of picture will pass unnoticed.

Now, I don't think that the guy will give us more problems. I can figure what happened: after the storm he was here as a guest and he saw that we discovered his joke, so now he's scared and I doubt that he'll do it again on other sites. Plus while he was lurking our site I began to ban-unban his ip in order to let him know that I knew he was here and who he was. He disappeared...

If he tries the same joke in another place I'll write to the admins of the site. I was close to write to an admin of PoserPros but they are a site made of paid professionals and I'm not supposed to warn them, I'll do it if something will happen.

I've done this surveillance because he promised to spread dirt on us, please don't mention what he did here on other sites, it's probably what he wants to start a flame.

At least we don't have to fear anything from that guy.

 Tormie [ 28 Oct 2005 11:33 ]
I have been watch for his presence at some of the smaller sites that I recommended for posting of images.  So far I have not seen him with any of his names at any of them.  I was worried that what was intended by us as helpful suggestions, would result in harm to those sites.  So, far that has not happened.

I have been rather inactive at PoserPros other than getting the free items that they offer, that I can use and the current Trick or Treat thing that they are do and of course uploading my works into that gallery.  So, I have not seen him there.  Considering that is the site that caused me to first flag "After the Evening" for nudity because of the little bronze statues over the fireplace, It would be amazing if he could get away with his more extreme works there.

I will look up the links and post them here latter.


 pangor [ 29 Oct 2005 04:39 ]
These are the links to the two pictures that I mentioned.  I had lost the links but they found me again (the random picture window) while posting "Valley in Spring".

Queen Demimoore v. The Empire
Getting Naked for the Lord!

Davide, I am thinking that you problem over at Rendervision could be cause by one of their database or other errors.  Perhaps if you edit you profile to reverse all of the settings then after updating set them back to the way you like them and update again.  That took care of a problem that I was having at that site with not being able to view many of my own pictures.


 pangor [ 18 Nov 2005 18:02 ]
Thank you pangor, I'll try. However it seems to me that the site is deserted by the admin if the leave those big errors untouched for such a long time...

Again, I'm sorry for that guy because his behaviour is the clear sign of some kind of problems  

 Tormie [ 18 Nov 2005 18:14 ]
I agree about him.

At rendervisions, they do seem to be active but are mostly interested in implementing new things or promoting new sales items.  Fixing what is broken does appear to be low in their list of priorities (unless to affects them?).

Since their last software upgrade, Email to notify of comments posted for an image is now working, but now the content filters don't seems to be working 100% anymore.

The reason I did not relocate the pictures sooner was because I was looking in the Poser and other such catagories, I forgot about their erotic gallery catagory.  When the picture found me again via their version of the "Pic of the Click", I discovered that is where they were.


 pangor [ 18 Nov 2005 19:11 ]
I also agree with you Davide that guy or girl have some kind of problems!  

Looks like that he or she is American or from some place very near USA because I didn't know anything about a evangelist preacher called Billy Graham.    

I see the "Rendervisions pictures" but as they was posted at the "Adult Erotic Gallery". I don't think they will not have big problems there!

And Pangor you  found them again via their version of the "Pic of the Click", it is a site bug they wouldn't show Adult Pics in  a "Pic of the Click" like device!

 JanReinar [ 18 Nov 2005 19:13 ]
Yes, the man holding the Bible is Billy Ghraham as he looked a few years ago.  I have seen him many times when he was broadcasting a special.  I doubt that anyone who have lived in the U.S. for any length of time would not reconise him or at least think that he looks a little familiar.

It is just like the images in the other picture.  The store that is being attacked is a famous nationwide chain store.  Even when we did not have any of them in my state, I had already heard company.  When the founder of that chain of stores passed away a few years ago, it was headline news.  Not because of the situation of his passing, but because of the company he founded.

The picture's description makes it sound like that store sells toys.  That is correct, they do sell toys and many other things too.

I find it interesting that he or she uploaded his/her pictures to Rendervision's erotic gallery and here ignored the then existing rules of Posetteforver.


 pangor [ 18 Nov 2005 20:28 ]
Yes, this is another right observation pangor... I think we can pass over this sad episode and don't think any longer about him. He promised revenge against us but because he realized the we know his "secret" he will stay quiet and away.

About hi location John, I think he's around the Pittsburgh area in the U.S.A. I analyzed the IPS he used and the one he used longer was from that area. I assume that the most used is the cheaper so it should be the default one for him.

 Tormie [ 18 Nov 2005 21:49 ]
I agree Davide! He or she looks like someone with a bad temper and not able to make friends and need to create them! This kind of person wouldn't do something what can destroy his/her fantasy if not feel threaten!

 JanReinar [ 18 Nov 2005 23:42 ]
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