An adjustement to album permissions

An adjustement to album permissions
Post An adjustement to album permissions 
This is the details about fixing the problem that JR was having in the series sub galleries.

JR, you thought it might have been a problemwith your permission settings, it was not.  The problem was with the permission settings for the series subalbums.  When the upload permissions was removed for those galleries for all groups, it was intended to stil permit moving pictures into those galleries, but no direct uploads.  It appears that removing upload permission also removes the ability to move pictures into those galleries.

So, the problem was not limited to JR's account, it effected everyone, guests, regular members, moderators, and administrators.  I adjusted the permissions to permit upload to those galleries for administrators and moderators only.  So we will see those galleries in image move to list and when uploading, non-staff can view and comment but not upload or move images into them.

Tormie, that was the best solution that I could think of, is there a better one?

 pangor [ 18 Feb 2006 21:18 ]

An adjustement to album permissions
     We need for sure the series gallery.
I remember what is the problem: the series are a lot (and there is no problem in the number of series, the more the better) so wehn one uploads a picture he or she get a very big and confusing list of gallery where he or she can put the picture. This is one of the reason why we put out the personal galleries in the "beauty of the week" exhibition gallery and this is the reason why I prevented the direct download in the subgalley of the main series gallery, doing this the subgalleries don't show.

So now there are 2 solutions:
-Restore things as they were (all subgalleries listed while anu user is uploading)
-Keep things like pangor did.

However I'll lurk the code if I can find something... But you know that I'm a noob in coding       ...

 Tormie [ 18 Feb 2006 22:34 ]
What I was going to suggest is that once a series is finished, that particular series gallery could have its permissions altered to not permit uploads, so it will not show up in the list.  That will also protect that series from accidental modifications after it is complete.

 pangor [ 19 Feb 2006 09:37 ]

 Tormie [ 19 Feb 2006 10:52 ]

 JanReinar [ 19 Feb 2006 10:59 ]

My Virgina series is not finished but it may be a while longer before I can continue it.

JR, I know that you are working on "Horror on the Alien Planet"

Nex's series "No Boarding Pass Yet" looks like it is not finished.

I have turn off upload permission into all series subgalleries except for "Horror on the Alien Planet"  and "No Boarding Pass Yet", will turn it back on for series latter when I get it started again.

JR, are there any other of your series galleries that you will be uploading into?  Let me know if here are and I will turn permissions back on for those too.

 pangor [ 19 Feb 2006 15:57 ]
Pangor I am working only on "Horror on the Alien Planet". The two pics "Under the Acient City" is not a real series but the thumbnail is from the last pic of "The Hunt" series weird!

 JanReinar [ 19 Feb 2006 16:22 ]
"Alien Contact" is just two pic with the same theme. The other series are finished!

 JanReinar [ 19 Feb 2006 16:26 ]
I didn't  know that I am a "Serial Men"!    

Last edited by JanReinar on 20 Feb 2006 10:35; edited 1 time in total 
 JanReinar [ 19 Feb 2006 16:28 ]
Thanks JR, I have finished readjusting the permissions for these galleries,

"Alien Contact", "Horror on the Alien Planet", and "Under the Acient City" are open for upload by the staff.  They look closed to regular memebers.  JR, since you are a staff member, there was no reason to open your active series galleries to regular members for upload.

"No Boarding Pass Yet" is open for upload for all members, for Nex.

"Virgina's First Sitting" is closed for now, it can be reopended when I restart the story.

The rest of the sub galleries are closed for upload by anyone.

 pangor [ 20 Feb 2006 09:59 ]
Great job Pangor!   Just two little things: "Under the Acient City" thumbnail still wrong and "Alpha Centauri" first pic is in Possete Forever Gallery! Sorry for any mess what I could did!  

 JanReinar [ 20 Feb 2006 10:48 ]
It is fixed.

 pangor [ 20 Feb 2006 19:28 ]
It is no problem JR, don't worry about it.  It was my mess.

When I created the gallery for Alpha Centari, I must have missed finding picture #1 in the main gallery.  You could not fix it since the new work on the gallery started because the Alpha Centari gallery was closed to transfers and uploads.  I opened it, moved the picture into it, and closed it again.

For the thumbnail for Under the Ancient City, I don't remember if the album software gives moderators the option to set a gallery thumbnail, so I don't know if you even had that option.  The thumbnail is now of the first picture in that series.

What I discovered a while back is that the picture providing the thumbnail for a gallery doed not have to be in that gallery.  It needs to be in the gallery to be set as the thumbnail, then it can be moved away to someplace else and still it provides the thumbnail for that gallery.  That may be what happened in Under the Ancient City.

 pangor [ 20 Feb 2006 19:40 ]
Thanks Pangor! Good job!  

 JanReinar [ 22 Feb 2006 00:48 ]
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