Opinion about distribution needed

Opinion about distribution needed
Post Opinion about distribution needed 
Hi friends  :grin:
I need your help, I'm working on a full body morphs tutorial in Blender, and I want to attatch some python scripts with it because they are no longer available in the web, I tryed to contact the autors but didn't get an answer  :sad:  and the true is I really want to post them because they make the morphing very easy; as I can understand the readme, included in the code of the script, I think I can do it, but I'd like that people with a better knolege in english and more familiar with this procedures and lenguage help me (what a copyleft could be?  :mmmh:  :doh:  :grin: ).
Here are the text included in both scripts:

# Built from MorphFromOBJ.py script by svdl

# ---- ORIGINAL TEXT ----
# Utility script to add morph targets from imported. OBJ files.

# How to use:
# - load the figure to be morphed from the library, V3 for example;
# - import a morphed geometry that matches V3 - a ZBrushed V3 for example
# - using the Grouping Tool, spawn props from the imported geometry. This will give you a lot of "loose" props called hip, abdomen etc. etc.
# - Now select the figure (V3) and run the script.

# svdl 2006

# Note: this script could be extended to handle the import of the morph object, and to build in safeguards. Something for the Tkinter gurus, maybe.
# This script is FREE. Use it, modify it, distribute it, do whatever you like with it.
# -----------------------
# GUI and Option routines by Netherworks

and the other one:

# This script will zero out all morphs in every bodypart
# as well as set all Body Morphs and similar channels
# like "Look Dials" to zero
# Good for resetting a figure or clothing item without
# other translations going on
# Script is copyleft - use it as you will
# Netherworks

Hope somebody can help me and be able to post this scripts  :pray:

Thank you

 rayera [ 10 Jun 2007 17:44 ]

Opinion about distribution needed
Post Re: Opinion about distribution needed 
"This script is FREE. Use it, modify it, distribute it, do whatever you like with it." <-this line makes me think that u can distribute it.
If i were u i would try to contact svdl & Netherworks at rosity, poserpros or daz, they might be active on one of those sites and send a pm. Just to be on the extra safe side.

 TdaC [ 10 Jun 2007 17:52 ]
Post Re: Opinion about distribution needed 
Thilda is right rayera, both of them says clearly that they can be distributed freely, so, no problem  :grin:  :thumb: !

 Tormie [ 10 Jun 2007 19:01 ]
Post Re: Opinion about distribution needed 
The same with me, AFAIK,"copyLEFT" means that there's no "copyRIGHT" on it :wink:
So it should be no problem to distribute them as part of a free tutorial :) (I'm waiting for it  :whistle:  :wink: )

 ahjah [ 10 Jun 2007 20:09 ]
Post Re: Opinion about distribution needed 
Me too !!  :grin:

 Tormie [ 10 Jun 2007 21:14 ]
Post Re: Opinion about distribution needed 
Thanks people :grin:   I promise you that doing full body morphs never been so easy with this scripts and other free aplication, I used it on heavy Poser 7 G2 characters and it worked perfect and very fast, in a week I did 113 shaping full body morphs.
I'll do my best to finish it soon  :thumb:

 rayera [ 10 Jun 2007 22:07 ]
Post Re: Opinion about distribution needed 
"Don't hurry boy, we have much more time than life." :grin:  :wink:

 ahjah [ 10 Jun 2007 22:26 ]
Post Re: Opinion about distribution needed 
:mmmh:        :grin:        :lmao:

 rayera [ 10 Jun 2007 22:37 ]
Post Re: Opinion about distribution needed 
I like it rayera. A great moto. I'm sure we all agree.  :bigrinnin:

 tda42 [ 11 Jun 2007 01:13 ]
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