leahman ban

leahman ban
Post leahman ban 
Hi friends

I just received another insulting mail from leahman. He challenged me to ban him. His ego thinks that he is the pillar of the site. I decided to accept his challenge. He has no more access to the site from now on. I am at work now. Later I will paste here his message. Meanwhile I am going to remove all his extra content from the site (banners, freebies,pictures)

 Tormie [ 06 May 2012 05:19 ]

leahman ban
Post Re: leahman ban 
... If it is like it is, it is like this...
BTW, the page is responding slow this morning. Is there some maintenance at Hetzner's or is the page searching for content you removed ?

 ahjah [ 06 May 2012 08:56 ]
Post Re: leahdman ban 
Actually I removed nothing if not the freebies. The pictures are in "unapproved" state and the banners are not online. Here the page is responding fast. In any case I run the mantainance on the database. I apologize with everyone, with leahman the decision should have been taken long ago . I think he also changed a lot our place, I hope that we will be able to find our path again, I need it more than everyone else

 Tormie [ 06 May 2012 09:10 ]
Post Re: Leahman Ban 
But what about the rabbits? ...........................   If you like I will help put stuff up in the banner thinggy. Maybe some one else would like to as well. I heard from him in an e-mail a few days ago. It was some job he wanted me to see. Not any talk. I didn't write back more or less I have been busy this time and really had forgotten it till now. Wonder what happend to Chromium?  

 tda42 [ 06 May 2012 13:28 ]
Post Re: leahman ban 
Here is the last email exchange between me and him I've highlited the part where he challenges me to ban him.
I'm slowly removing/hiding what he added to the site.

After this "leahman" period, where I was the first to break our rules, we should reconsider the way the site is, maybe making it simpler (merging forums maybe) or some new ideas. Now that I'm out of my midage crisis (maybe, or maybe deeper in it) I should have the time to focus on this things. Friends, I'm sorry for have prolonged this thing too much...
I'll never be able to know the human behaviour, so I'll give up on it....

here it is:

Your picture has been deleted directly by me. As usual, it was contrary to our rules, that you don't respect. I want to avoid your ban for the last time, from the administrator. He has never seen your picture, this is why you have been not banned yet. I informed him of the content of your picture and everything will be decided shortly. Everyone knows the conseguences of their action, you know it better than me.




Dear Davide,

Oh, Wow... I haven't been  -by PF -in a while...
but I  stopped in, and got  ...this  sweet  note.

To me— it was entirely obvious, that your german, Administrator—
was only  -appointed, to give— some  ` plausable...  deniability....
An effort— to misdirect  and   confuse....  to `give   `some slight—
symbolance— of imparshability.  He was never going— to be given —
any authority.  However, I did contact him, and was told  -it was you.
So— I knew that.

He replied— and agreed, that Kenny, 'Rene, and Jan Reinar, had all
posted renders— that violate -the rules     (rules that were only -for me)
but he `had no options, and knew nothing. So— there is   'no—
"our rules  ...
'there  `are only   -Your  (unfair) rules...

In my Encypedia... -there is `a deffination, for cases, where  `rules are
applied— to only  ONE person.   It is  `one   -of the 5 things,  `to define

I was left— by you `with no options, but to make `FART Jokes.  Obviously
nobody  `can continue -to make `nothing `but  FART jokes    -FOREVER.......
As even — I eventually...  run Out— of FART jokes.  Obviously, Since I wanted
that restriction— un-done, I made the FART Jokes -about you,   hoping—
that you'd - get enough, and eliminate —that restriction, on me....
but instead. WHILE you said `it was Okay,   it only  pissed you off—
and was followed -by the Attacks.

There are strong differences of opinion—
between us, and I very much  remember—
the sever  RANT— I got from you, when   I  first came -to PosetteForever,
very -CRITICAL  -of anybody from where— I am.   AT LEAST—
I proved Wrong— your idea, that any `Alabama Christian - would not
'Touch `an Italian socalist' -with a 10 foot pole....'

Another area— where we disagree, is that    -In   My Opinion—
I did -a LOT, for you, and for  PosetteForever.    and ...In my opinion—
I did more  `than anyone, except you— obviously.

I 'Kept  the site -'ALIVE...'

But It `was obviously ` NOT appreciated .  Not 'Enough, to overcome—
being from Alabama, in your eyes.

I've  stopped `going by— PF.  
I don't play   with Poser, as much as I used to—
but I now `upload   `to 4 different  Web sites...
web Sites -that have ZERO Rules,   Other, than   `no child porno....
So— I am FREE... to make all  `the Political,  & Relgious, and Regional
renders, that  -I want.
Another PLUS—
is that, when `one of my renders, wins an award—
I get 'my CHOICE  ' of their Poser models.    (I've actually won 6)
Yes, I could probally  `download them -for free, but there's  satisfaction...
is competing, and Winning— something.

      It  sayz— they LIKE—  my humor, and my renders.

You -never did.  From them— I get No Complaints....
from You, I get  `NOTHING -but   `Complaints....
So, I've found  'Poser happyness  -without `the need—
of anyone's approval....

Obviously, there are swastickas— all over the galleries, of Daz, Renderosity,
RDNA, Content Paradise,  ....and every Poser Web site. Obviously— Italians
and germans, are sensative, about that,  and '  In No Way- will `ever admit—
anything, was `ever -done, that was wrong.  I think, perhaps, the Rest -of the
World, may forget `about it, in 4 or 5  centuries,  but Today—  obviously, an
Italian, or a german, who makes `a critical RANT, about the jews, or Isreal—
`were it known, ` here, it would make the National -Television News, in a very
Bad -way.  Considering— that...  and there  `You Go... Telling everyone—
that I  `AM `a RACIST....   ?  (shaking head)

It's  not Racist— to point Out—
that 15% -of the population, commits 94% of the Crime,
or receives  78%  -of the Government Handouts.
 (those `are Government `figures -not my own )

-It means, that we  `are not STUPID, and  we see
that minority people  -are given  `a better DEAL—
than  is  `the Majority. WE  won't stand for being
treated—  DIFFERENTLY.      -—That is....
an AMERICAN    Trait.

A RACIST -  most people -would agree...
is someone  `who Plans,  ...and builds   Camps
to  Murder— an Entire Race -of people.
We  just  don't   -Kill People— that are not  trying  -to KILL Us.

I WISH YOU WELL~ We -had `some  -good laughs.
I'm too lazy -to hold -a grudge.
I hope `you recover, from whatever it was -that put you
-in Hospital.

You were So— worried, that some  render `I could  have made— Might
possibally.... Offend, someone... but you Never gave `a single  thought....
to - how  `your  Long— endless— RANTS— cursing GOD,   and Christ—
would -offend me.  
Obviously, I do not matter   -at all,    in your view.

Perhaps,  I am— Too Old   ...
-but I wouldn't -tollerate  -being treated— (given -different  Rules....)
even by -my own Mother, ...or my sisters.  
That...  - would BREAK -the bond.

Again, I don't like Threats— but your threat -to ban me -is meaningless
to me, Go Ahead !
  But— Please `then, `Remove -All leahman renders,
and Files  `of every kind. You then  -won't be reminded, that  everyone
-won't   submit— to your unfair rules.

Since— my daughter, now has a good job, and I am not -made to pay
such expences, I am now `having -my Jet-Ski -repaired, and plan on
living a more active Life.  I've been— held at this computer, for Sooo—
long, due to the necessity -of living inexpensively.

I will spend the summer— riding my 4-wheeler, you don't like
and riding  `my Jet Ski  -on the rivers and Lakes, going full blast
and getting some exercise.

I bought daughter— a Walther -PPK...
Opps.. Oh well,    (....you deleted the render...)

-The 'James Bond Gun...
(but I guess, since Hitler -Killed  himself—
-with  -a PPK,   .... that was -reason -for you  -to delete the render.)

Here's a photo `of the real thing...
on my kitchen counter....

A Presant—   to celebrate ...
-her new Job.

I will continue -to communicate -with Kenny
He's a good Kid— who's had— some very bad luck.

I  -WILL Never—   submitt— to harsh  `and different rules ... than  anyone else.
I   `Care Less— about  -what the TELEVISION -Says....
       (the TV -is PURE EVIL)
and I won't be -treated badly  `due -to where  `I'm from.
SCREW     - the Television hatred of Alabama....
WE Once Defied  -the Hated arrogant Yankee  ... and those
who believe -the theiving Yankee... only prove their ignorance.

I am  smart enough to realise— that I live -in the  best place.
I have 'More Freedom   -and more opportunities— than Italians
will   EVER    Have.  I don't Pay  -a VAT Tax. You've SEEN— my City
at night.... It is not crowded— and there Is -almost 'no crime....
it is Bright— and Clean.  I own -over 200 acres of land, where - I can
do    -Whatever I want.  I could `Shoot Cannons— if i wanted to.

I truly  `am sorry... that you are `such an unhappy person,
I hope -someday....  you find, what you are looking for.
For me, things   are now   -swinging, back `towards—
the right -direction.
Have Fun.

Best Regards



And this is my reply:

Dear Robert

> Dear Davide,
> Oh, Wow... I haven't been  -by PF -in a while...
> but I  stopped in, and got  ...this  sweet  note.
> To me— it was entirely obvious, that your german, Administrator—
> was only  -appointed, to give— some  ` plausable...  deniability....
> An effort— to misdirect  and   confuse....  to `give   `some slight—
> symbolance— of imparshability.  He was never going— to be given —
> any authority.  However, I did contact him, and was told  -it was you.
> So— I knew that.
   He replied— and agreed, that Kenny, 'Rene, and Jan Reinar, had all
> posted renders— that violate -the rules     (rules that were only -for me)
> but he `had no options, and knew nothing. So— there is   'no—
> "our rules  ...
> 'there  `are only   -Your  (unfair) rules...

And blah blah blah. You know not to use Swatica, you know not to use Hitler. And this from a ,man that claims to
believe in the gospels:

Matthew 7:5

"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

So, don't stare at other people sins, look at yours first.

> In my Encypedia... -there is `a deffination, for cases, where  `rules are
> applied— to only  ONE person.   It is  `one   -of the 5 things,  `to define

I've not that book, anyway in the gospel is written:

Mark 12:17

Then Jesus said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." And they were amazed at him.

Here "Caesar" the tyrant, wants his album free of bad things, that is all.

> I was left— by you `with no options, but to make `FART Jokes.  Obviously
> nobody  `can continue -to make `nothing `but  FART jokes    -FOREVER.......
> As even — I eventually...  run Out— of FART jokes.  Obviously, Since I wanted
> that restriction— un-done, I made the FART Jokes -about you,   hoping—
> that you'd - get enough, and eliminate —that restriction, on me....
> but instead. WHILE you said `it was Okay,   it only  pissed you off—
> and was followed -by the Attacks.

Matthew 20:1-16

“For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 He agreed to pay them a denarius[a] for the day and sent them into his vineyard.

3 “About nine in the morning he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. 4 He told them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ 5 So they went.

“He went out again about noon and about three in the afternoon and did the same thing. 6 About five in the afternoon he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’

7 “‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered.

“He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’

8 “When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’

9 “The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. 10 So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. 11 When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. 12 ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’

13 “But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? 14 Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’

16 “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

You should be happy, the tyrant here is sending you sirectly to the heaven.

> There are strong differences of opinion—
> between us, and I very much  remember—
> the sever  RANT— I got from you, when   I  first came -to PosetteForever,
> very -CRITICAL  -of anybody from where— I am.   AT LEAST—
> I proved Wrong— your idea, that any `Alabama Christian - would not
> 'Touch `an Italian socalist' -with a 10 foot pole....'

I really don't remember to have "ranted" about your culture, I'm more the kind of person that tries to see what's wrong and what's
good in something, so I told you what was good and what was bad, in my honest opinion. in any case I'm no one and this was only for my
own personal vision of the world. my opinion doesn't add anything or teach anything to anyone, it's only for me.

And above all, I believe that the humans are all the same, there is nothing special or different to be born here or in the USA or in the Botswana,
if not the opportunities, the raw materials. The man is the same everywhere.

> Another area— where we disagree, is that    -In   My Opinion—
> I did -a LOT, for you, and for  PosetteForever.    and ...In my opinion—
> I did more  `than anyone, except you— obviously.
> I 'Kept  the site -'ALIVE...'
> But It `was obviously ` NOT appreciated .  Not 'Enough, to overcome—
> being from Alabama, in your eyes.

You want to be appreciated to the point to overrule the site, this is not possible. I'm the tyrant, not you.

> I've  stopped `going by— PF.  
> I don't play   with Poser, as much as I used to—
> but I now `upload   `to 4 different  Web sites...
> web Sites -that have ZERO Rules,   Other, than   `no child porno....
> So— I am FREE... to make all  `the Political,  & Relgious, and Regional
> renders, that  -I want.
> Another PLUS—
> is that, when `one of my renders, wins an award—
> I get 'my CHOICE  ' of their Poser models.    (I've actually won 6)
> Yes, I could probally  `download them -for free, but there's  satisfaction...
> is competing, and Winning— something.
>       It  sayz— they LIKE—  my humor, and my renders.
> You -never did.  From them— I get No Complaints....
> from You, I get  `NOTHING -but   `Complaints....
> So, I've found  'Poser happyness  -without `the need—
> of anyone's approval....

I'm very, very happy for your Robert, and are not only words. I'm really happy.
Now I don't know what you want from Posetteforever... We are not in competiotion with anyone,
we have not a market, we are free to keep our morality without thinking of the money loss, there are
no money to lose. A difficult concept, I agree.

> Obviously, there are swastickas— all over the galleries, of Daz, Renderosity,
> RDNA, Content Paradise,  ....and every Poser Web site. Obviously— Italians
> and germans, are sensative, about that,  and '  In No Way- will `ever admit—
> anything, was `ever -done, that was wrong.  I think, perhaps, the Rest -of the
> World, may forget `about it, in 4 or 5  centuries,  but Today—  obviously, an
> Italian, or a german, who makes `a critical RANT, about the jews, or Isreal—
> `were it known, ` here, it would make the National -Television News, in a very
> Bad -way.  Considering— that...  and there  `You Go... Telling everyone—
> that I  `AM `a RACIST....   ?  (shaking head)

You're the product of the place and the enviroenment where you grew up. But I'm not prone to accept a lesson of morality or
democracy from you because we had fascism and the Germans had nazism. You simply won the war, your country accepted to allie with the communists
to won the war, your country accepted to allie with the fascist disctator of Brazil because you were out of rubber, in order to won the war, and if
you want to talk about jews in your country before they acquired the power, we can talk about it.

There is a difference, you think to have god on your side, that you're just whatever you do. I see no one on your side, you follow the rules
of everyone else. Period.
> You were So— worried, that some  render `I could  have made— Might
> possibally.... Offend, someone... but you Never gave `a single  thought....
> to - how  `your  Long— endless— RANTS— cursing GOD,   and Christ—
> would -offend me.  
> Obviously, I do not matter   -at all,    in your view.

I thought that we were sharing our opionion frankly and with no offense. I'm sorry, I really believed to
talk to someone in that way. No problem, I'll simply keep ready in case some religious fanatic would like to
overrule my freedom of believing in reason and not in a dusty book. In that case I'll not die alone.

Perhaps,  I am— Too Old   ...-but I wouldn't -tollerate  -being treated— (given -different  Rules....)
> even by -my own Mother, ...or my sisters.  
> That...  - would BREAK -the bond.
> Again, I don't like Threats— but your threat -to ban me -is meaningless
> to me, Go Ahead !  But— Please `then, `Remove -All leahman renders,
> and Files  `of every kind. You then  -won't be reminded, that  everyone
> -won't   submit— to your unfair rules.

No problem, it will be done, no big deal. It will be your loss, not mine, not of the people on the site.
Again, I've not a revenue from the site, so I couldn't care the less if there are 1000 users online or only
2... We keep the rules thigt.

> Since— my daughter, now has a good job, and I am not -made to pay
> such expences, I am now `having -my Jet-Ski -repaired, and plan on
> living a more active Life.  I've been— held at this computer, for Sooo—
> long, due to the necessity -of living inexpensively.
> I will spend the summer— riding my 4-wheeler, you don't like
> and riding  `my Jet Ski  -on the rivers and Lakes, going full blast
> and getting some exercise.

That's good to know (?)

> I bought daughter— a Walther -PPK...
> Opps.. Oh well,    (....you deleted the render...)
> -The 'James Bond Gun...
> (but I guess, since Hitler -Killed  himself—
> -with  -a PPK,   .... that was -reason -for you  -to delete the render.)
The supposed weapon that was used on Hitler was a 7x65 this one is a 9x17 (nine short) or .380 ACP in your scale.

> A Presant—   to celebrate ...
> -her new Job.

I'm glad for your daughter, I would have sent something to celebrate but i think someone would
throw it directly in the litter bin.

> I will continue -to communicate -with Kenny
> He's a good Kid— who's had— some very bad luck.
> I  -WILL Never—   submitt— to harsh  `and different rules ... than  anyone else.
> I   `Care Less— about  -what the TELEVISION -Says....
>        (the TV -is PURE EVIL)
> and I won't be -treated badly  `due -to where  `I'm from.
> SCREW     - the Television hatred of Alabama....
> WE Once Defied  -the Hated arrogant Yankee  ... and those
> who believe -the theiving Yankee... only prove their ignorance.
The won the war, but don't worry, somene could think the same about some "war winners" of the past...

> I am  smart enough to realise— that I live -in the  best place.
> I have 'More Freedom   -and more opportunities— than Italians
> will   EVER    Have.  I don't Pay  -a VAT Tax. You've SEEN— my City
> at night.... It is not crowded— and there Is -almost 'no crime....
> it is Bright— and Clean.  I own -over 200 acres of land, where - I can
> do    -Whatever I want.  I could `Shoot Cannons— if i wanted to.

I could only talk about statistics, not on your own perception. In your little town you produce
ten times killed people of Milan, and if you want, we can even compare the other crimes.
If I'm sick, I go to the hospital an pay ZIT, zero, NADA. I had recently a surgery and I paid nothing, I left the job
for whatever days were needed for the hospotal and I took my salary untouched at the end of the month.
No one can touch my job, I live a relaxed life. Tomorrow, for my own decision I'll work some extra onthe second
of my free days a double shift, the first one I'll do nothing , the second one I'll drive the train and I'll get my
250 . I'm not ambitious, I like my life. You don'ìt have more freedom that the Italians, you're stricltly controlled
by thousand government agency, there are cameras everywhere. You've only the right to carry weapons, but I wouldn't
call it "freedom" or it's freedom here to just go to a store and grab a bootle of wine and no one ask you the driver's license.
It's your perception, and it's like faith, there is no reasons, there is no statistic, there are not numbers that can make you change idea,
so, ok ok (who cares?)

> I truly  `am sorry... that you are `such an unhappy person,
> I hope -someday....  you find, what you are looking for.
> For me, things   are now   -swinging, back `towards—
> the right -direction.
> Have Fun.

I'm perfectly OK, I've my family, I've my friends, I've my cat, I've whatever I want.
Bored, maybe, but there is nothing that is missing here for me. I don't know what
you're talking about.

...And I'm not even interested to make comparisons between my life and your life, I don't see the point.

> Best Regards
> leahman

Yes yes

 Tormie [ 06 May 2012 18:23 ]
Post Re: leahman ban 
About the little banners, if someone want to repopulate them, the size is 100 pixels height by 300 pixel wide . I can add a text in the middle of the page with smilies

I don't know if he'll cause troubles, in case I'll change the activation from automatic to admin approval for a while.

 Tormie [ 06 May 2012 19:34 ]
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