It Fits Posette !!

It Fits Posette !!
Post It Fits Posette !! 
While I was hunting through my E:drive's archive for an early, free version of 'Deep Exploration', I swept up several forgotten Poser freebies.

One had me scratching my head. Nothing said which figure it was really for, but it fitted Posette. Checking CR2 found the files should be un-zipped into 'Andy's Clothes'. Sadly, the ReadMe's 'home page' has gone 404,  was waiting for the old e-mail address to bounce in the usual way...
Yikes ! I got a reply !!

Okay, Andy, this is for you...

Sayoko hair by Zippo. Boots for Miki2 by Elke Boekenberg, converted for Posette with C-D. Leather CropTop and Skirt by DarkJourney.

 Nik [ 25 Jun 2008 22:47 ]

It Fits Posette !!
Post Re: It Fits Posette !! 
     Great Nik.

I take the occasion to remind that we can host, and we would be glad to do it, all those forgotten freebies for Posette & Dork, just ask for the permission to host the freebie here and it's done

 Tormie [ 25 Jun 2008 22:51 ]
Post Redistribution Okay !! 
> Wow ! You're still on-line !
> Sorry, I'm so used to old 'ReadMe' contact info bouncing, that a 'live one' is a delightful surprise !!
<snip Posette piccy, attribution etc>
> FWIW, if you would like Posetteforever to host your classic freebies, we'd be delighted.

lol yeah im still online - you are welcome to use any freebies you may still have of mine - I lost all my copies when my computer crashed and took both my system drive and my backup drive with it.

And yep - it was def Posette - back then I don't think I had much in the way of add-ons for Poser - so I spent a lot of time making my own - I haven't done anything with it in a while - I upgraded photoshop and have been indulging myself in that ever since.

"dark journey"


Hasty Nik-note: We have a GO !! I'll add the set to Freebies section when I've a chance...

Um, Tormie, should I reconstruct Runtime tree, or just post original 'all-in-one' character directory ??

 Nik [ 26 Jun 2008 13:54 ]
Post Re: It Fits Posette !! 
Oh, Thank you Nik ! Another Posette's freebie saved

Sure it's better with the whole runtime tree, but it's not mandatory  

 Tormie [ 28 Jun 2008 01:41 ]
Post More By 'Dark Journey'... 
I've found two more by 'Dark Journey'...

An, um, jaw-dropping 'spider-suit' trans/tex for P_4F cat-suit seems to have minor mapping problems on the side-seams. IMHO, it may need a pass through UVMapper and a graphic tweak I can't give. Is there an Artist in the house ??

I need to check the other, a smart crop-top & skirt that complements the piccy's set...

 Nik [ 28 Jun 2008 13:07 ]
Post Re: It Fits Posette !! 
I've bought UVMapper professional for a project that I started and never finished   . I can't say you "I'll do it" because the project will probably end in nothing in this period     

 Tormie [ 28 Jun 2008 20:14 ]
Post UVUnWrap / UV Mapper... 
I have the free version of UV Mapper. As usual with OBJ editors, it and I do not play well together. My single success was re-writing an OBJ file whose internals were out-of-sequence after editing. Beyond that, d'uh...

Um, as these 'Dark Journey' files have a modest file size, I could post both the original and tree'd versions. Not tonight, though-- I've spent half the day asleep, awash with 'hay fever' anti-histamines, am barely functional now...

 Nik [ 28 Jun 2008 21:23 ]
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