The interview !

The interview !
Post The interview ! 
Hi friends  :heartbeat: !
Late as usual  :whistle: , here comes our new interview. It's the moment that you waited for a long time, but now it's here, now   :bigrinnin: !
We had a new winner: Pangor, he won about 500 candies and just waited for the interview before flying to a tropical paradise thanks to the price he won !!

What I know about Pangor? He joined us at the end of the last year and it seems that he liked the place  :bigrinnin: ! So we added a bed, a chair at the table and a coup of soup for him. He lives in the States, like a large part of our members, I already talked about that big country  so now it's time to stop my usual nonsenses  [-(  and listen to him  :) !

[i:21794af722]- Tell us a little about yourself...personal background, family, etc. What ever you are comfortable with. [/i:21794af722]

I live in my home, that I love. My Mother lives here with me, as do my little ones, my little pups.
My Grand Mother, (my Mother's Mother) and my Mother both taught me the alphabet, about as soon as I could talk. My Mother also taught me to read well before I was of school age. She has more than once mentioned how when I was thee she would read to me, when I was four we read together, when I was five I was reading to her and when I was six I was teaching her about the things that I had read about.
Since the time I could first read, I have had the most knowledgeable and patient teachers in world, in the form of the books i read. It was then that my interest in the sciences and arts was first kindled. On the other hand. except for a few wonderful exceptions, my school teachers were mostly useless or worse. My teachers were nothing like those who taught in the schools when I Mother was a student. She has fond memories of her teachers, but she has no fond thought of the ones that I had.
From an early age, my Mother and Grand Mother taught me the meaning of responsibility and to treat others with the proper respect and courtesy that they are deserving of. Then does it sound strange that I speak disrespectfully of the majority of my teachers? At the time, I respected them, now thinking back on those days, I offer to those teachers all of the respect that they have earned, no less and no more.
This is the foundation upon which all else that I have accomplished has been built.

[i:21794af722]- Where are you now? [/i:21794af722]

In my home, sitting in front of my workstation, writing my answers for the these interview questions.

[i:21794af722]- Do you have a personal site ? If yes where is it? [/i:21794af722]

My own internet accessible website? Yes, and no. It is not my website, but I do have a home page at Renderosity that I have started to develop within the limits of their framework for homepages. It is at

[i:21794af722]- Can you describe what you see from your favorite window? [/i:21794af722]

At the moment, darkness, as I write this paragraph it is night time. If it were daytime, nearby trees and flowers, in the distance hills, in between the city skyline blocking most of my view. I can also see the sky above with flights of birds and below traffic and people walking by.

[i:21794af722]- Do you consider the place where you live a beautiful one ? [/i:21794af722]

Yes, most certainly. Some may not think so, but to me where I live is the most beautiful place in the universe. This is my home, where I choose to be and is the center of my existence with my family.

[i:21794af722]- There's a typical drink there ? Do you like it ? [/i:21794af722]

A drink that typifies my country, state, or region? That is hard to say, there are so many people from so many different ancestral cultures... When their families moved to this country they brought so much of their various cultures here that have since melded together. Some may say it is, coffee, other tea, beer, wine, or soda water. As for me I like several of them, but my water is soda water, it tastes and smells better that our tap water.
This area was once well known for the quality and taste of its tap water.We had a cousin who when she came to visit would immediately go the the pantry and start drinking it. She used to say how much she loved it compared to the water in her area. Now the water quality has changed, so what can I say good about it? Let me see, is does not smell as bad as gasoline, it is not a corrosive as battery acid and it is not brown, most of the time. But don't drink it straight, it will give you a heartburn.

[i:21794af722]- What's your favorite food ? [/i:21794af722]

Once again so many cultures have blended together to provide a large variety to select from. I do like some dishes from various cultures. But above all others, the food I prefer, is that of my ancestors, ravioli, gnocchi, polenta, etc.

[i:21794af722]- How long have you been working with digital art, 3D and/or Poser?[/i:21794af722]

The first artwork that I created by the use of a computer was a picture of a Christmas tree. It was a now mostly forgotten art form called printer art, since the old line printers and teletype terminals where about the only way to create a visual image.
I used other methods as newer hardware permitted. Before 3D, I used paint programs to create 2D images. I have also done work with fractals. I did some experimental raytracing but with a 16 color EGA style display the results remained experimental. When I got my first VGA compatible card and monitor with support for 256 colors. I started with raytracing for real.
My first computer generated 3D art in a style that would still be recognized as art today was a raytraced image using one of the early raytracers of the time. It was a scene of a kitchen in the morning before the house's family woke up. In those days, my art presented a very lonely world, devoid of living creatures.
I then started using Truespace as my primary modeler and renderer. But my worlds were still lonely places. When I bought my first copy of Poser, I was hoping to populate my 3d worlds, but was soon disappointed. Poser2, Truespace2 did not work well together nor did they work well with my other software. Poser could not import anything at all from Truespace and Truespace did a poor job of importing anything from Poser.
I tried bryce and a newer Poser, but, it was not until the last quarter of 2004 that I was able to do anything worth while with visual arts again. Now I have added Poser 5 to my toolkit and love it.

[i:21794af722]- Do you paint and draw with pencils too or do you use only PC programs? [/i:21794af722]

None of my program are PC! Oh, wait you mean personal computers program. Yes, I have used other mediums too, but of all of them I have found artistic software to be my medium of choice for creating art images and text editor better tools than pencil and paper for creating stories and poems. Although, I do miss the feeling of taking pencil or pen in hand. Perhaps, some day I will look into a good graphics tablet for painting input rather than my trackball mouse. For now though the mouse is fine.

[i:21794af722]- What do you have against PC?[/i:21794af722]

Nothing, I use personal computers all the time.. Oh wait, now you mean political correctness. You are right, I don't like it because it is a hypocritical philosophy. While it highlights and perpetuates just what it claims to be fighting. The only way for inappropriate prejudices to fade away is by having respect for each other, not by recoding our language.
Once you see a person as just a person and accept that we each have our own abilities and weaknesses and those attributes don't speak to who we are it only speaks to the limitation of your physical bodies, then who need PC, to hide our feeling behind.
If while in the supermarket I were to see an adult who is shorter than myself who is unable to reach something that he or she want on an upper shelf, I will help, it is not a judgment on that person, it is just a case of one person helping another. At the same time, if I am the one with that problem, I would be happy to have the assistance of someone taller than myself. Too many of those who claim to be PC, would see such assistance as being an insult to the shorter person.
They claim that saying that someone is "gravitationally challenged" is alright while mentioning that they are a bit heavy or even fat, is hurtful. Well if they both mean the same thing, than I don't see the difference other than making the language more obtuse.

[i:21794af722]- Where do you find your inspiration/ideas? [/i:21794af722]

From observing the world around me, from remembering what has happened in the part and what may happen in the future. And who knows from where else. Not long ago I was a "men working" sign, it generate several images in my head that added to my list of ideas for future works. I was watching a bird bathing, and with a twist mental connections I thought of the English slang definition of bird, that gave birth to another idea that I added to the list. Then in other cases, I really don't know where they come from, such as the trilogy "Displeased", "Pleased", and "Let me Help You" The first was an attempt to just experiment with Don, and the image came together. The second was another experiment with Judy and it came together also. Then my mother suggested that I should bring them together, as she said, they look like they should be sweethearts. With her suggestion, I started getting some idea, none of which were the final image. Someone also sent me a PM asking the same question. By that time and early version of the current image started forming in my head. By the time I got around to starting up Poser, the much of the image had formed in my head. The rest came as one more tweak, now just one more, now just one more again....

[i:21794af722]- Have you ever visited another continent? [/i:21794af722]

In person no. However, I have traveled widely all around the world, and other worlds without number from across many ages for eons, by books television and by the internet.

[i:21794af722]- Do you consider yourself an artist or a hobbyist when it comes to digital art? [/i:21794af722]

When I was young, I read in a book this definitions of artists. Anyone who creates with their hands from their soul something to add beauty to the world or to tell a story is an artist. I do consider myself an artist.

[i:21794af722]- Do you use a particular technique ? [/i:21794af722]

No, I don't use any one particular technique. I use whatever technique that I am able to that is needed to create the image that I have pictured in my mind.

[i:21794af722]- What got you interested in digital art? [/i:21794af722]

The ability to generate worlds out of whole cloth, I find it a great medium to create art and share it with others.

[i:21794af722]- Do you use only Posette/Dork for human characters in your pictures ? why ? why not ? [/i:21794af722]

Let's come up with a better name for the poor fellow. How about Darrin?
No, I don't limit myself to using only Posette and Darrin. I use whatever, model that I have available that best fits the image that I am trying to create.
My favorite Poser models have been Posette and Darrin. Compared to other models, they are so easy to use for characters creation without demanding tons of extra addons to be purchased. Those addon morphs that I have used with them were to enhance them rather than just to make them usable as would be needed with some other models.
I had planned to use a variety of other models for a recent work "Birth of Galatea". I ended up using characters derived from Posette and Darrin for all the characters. Once I got started with the task of creating the characters for the ladies in that picture, I had various problems with the models that I had intended to use. The result was that I fell back to using my Regina character as the base for two of the ladies and a combination of Regina, Posette, and Ahjah's Johanna as the basis for the other lady.
Now that I also have Judy and Don available, I find them to be just as nice as Posette and Darrin. I consider them to be additions, and not replacements for Posette and Darrin. I intend to use each one as needed. I have a number Posette derived models such as Yamato's Mimi and Linlin. I also have other models such as Maya Doll, Victoria, Michael, Sara, and Aiko. So far the only one of them that I have used in a posted work has been Sara as the statuary above the fireplace in "After the Evening" and Michael was used as Narcissus, in "Narcissus in Love", but I have found that Posette, Darrin, Judy and Don are much better models for the style of work that I am doing.

[i:21794af722]- Tell us a little of your best picture... [/i:21794af722]

Actually I hope that I can not tell you anything about my best picture, because, if I have already created it, then it is all down hill from the date of its creation.  I would like to think that my best picture is always three or four pictures in the future and that I have not yet even imagined it.
Even though I only have a few pictures posted so far, I find it difficult to select a best among them. They all speak to something different, and most of them have a special personal meaning to me, each in their own way.

[i:21794af722]- Do you have formal training or are you self taught? [/i:21794af722]

Oh heavens! I am self taught! In just about everything that I have learned, regarding art or otherwise.
We had art projects in school throughout the elementary grades, but nothing was really taught, rather it was just a way to consume time. After that, during Jr. High school, we had a year long art course, it was just more of the same. When I was between eight and ten years old I took a few after school extension courses the subjects of art and science, three of the courses were for artistic subjects, Pottery, Photography, and Painting. The pottery course soon degenerated to just a time for the students to play with wet clay. The photography course was interesting but mostly useless because most students would not take it serious and the teacher did not consider us able to understand the subject properly, so the items such a developing fluid and fixer were identified to us as "the blue bottle stuff" and "the green bottle stuff". The painting course was the biggest flop, on the first day of the course, only two students were in attendance and so the course was canceled.
All those art teachers had a real gift for art, they had the gift of turning what should have been an enjoyable and creative activity into boring mind numbing labor. If they detected any real originality or creativity in their students, they were ready to grind it and the student involved right into the ground for it, and most of the time, I was that student.
While I was taking the photography course that I have just mentioned, my Mother and I were in a store and as we passed by the photography section. I noticed a book, "Creative Darkroom Techniques", that I thought looked interesting. She purchased it for me. I learned much more from it than I ever leaned in the class. Rather than being a book of basic photography, it was about how to use produce photographic art. I had back copies of Popular Mechanics and Popular Science to provide basics of photographic procedures. Thanks to that book, I was able to speak about subjects in class that the photography teacher didn't think we could understand, so he demanded that I tell him where I got the information from. I told him the name of the book. He was was familiar with that book and was displeased that I had access to it. Can you guess what it was that had upset him about my having a copy of the book? A book on creative artistic photography? ....... Yep, that is why. I could not understand what all the fuss was about. For me it was just art.
By the time I attended college, considering my earlier experiences with art classes, I had lost all interest in taking anymore art classes. Rather, I sometimes read books on the subject and I did what I could when I could on my own.
I am now taking an on-line course for UV Mapping. For me it is mostly a way to practice using models or situation that would otherwise not be an issue for a while yet.

[i:21794af722]- What's your favorite artistic style? [/i:21794af722]

Hard to say, I like many different styles and I have ideas for some works in different style than those I have so far posted. Starting with "After the Evening", it seems that at the moment my predominate style could be described as romantic, I keep wanting to try some of my other ideas, but the romantic themes keep poping back into my head demanding to be rendered. Wait until some of my other ideas start to appear. I am slowly fleshing out a story arc that when started will combine science fiction, romance, and adventure. Other than the story is not yet fleshed out, the series is also waiting for me to gain some more skills and experience with my tool set first.

[i:21794af722]- Do you have other hobbies or special interests? [/i:21794af722]

I have already addressed several of them. Some others are, mythology, history, literature (mostly science fiction). The sciences that I most enjoyed learning about was astronomy, archeology, anthropology, cosmology.
For "mindless" enjoyment I like to play computer games. I like fantasy role playing, strategy, and some simulation games. Some of my favorites are Civilization, Daggerfall, X Beyond the Frontier, Jagged Alliance 2, Earth/Star Siege, Emperor of the Fading Suns, one of the greatest games of its era, Starflight, and the old gold box games from SSI. Yes, Doom and Duke Nukem too.  
Thinking of the gold box games, reminds me of something that happened when I was purchasing one of them. Do you remember "Curse of the Azure Bonds"? On the cover of the box they had a beautiful painting of a woman warrior in armor. Her armor was of low cut style, similar to the evening dress worn by Betty in "Portrait of Betty" and "After the Evening". The salesman at the check stand noticed the cover picture, and started making lewd comments about my reason for purchasing the game. I told him, "if you think that is what the game is about, why don't you buy a copy and find out? Let me warn you though, if that is all you want it for, you will be disappointed". The next time I went to that store, he was joking with another salesman, but as he saw me he became surly. Before I left, he told me that he was angry with me and why. The reason for his anger was that he did buy a copy of the game, and he was disappointed. What is more though is that the copy I purchased as the last copy of the game as it was being cleared out of that store; therefore, he had to special order a copy, meaning that he did not get the clearance discount nor the stores normal discount. In fact, had at to pay a special handling charge on top of that. According to him, it was my fault.
I used to build plastic models. I also like model railroading. But as most of the hobby shops have faded away so has my involvement in those hobbies, and besides, those hobbies consume too much space.

[i:21794af722]- Do your farts smell very bad or no one notice when you make them? [/i:21794af722]

Depends on what I have been eating.

([i:21794af722]Tormie: "Oh, my God ! What have you eaten ?"  8-[  :sick:  :sick: [/i:21794af722])

[i:21794af722]- Where is your strength coming from? [/i:21794af722]

I am sure that you have heard the saying, "That which does not kill me, only makes me stronger". Well, my family and I, have had far more than our share of strengthening.

[i:21794af722]- Where is that ancient Greek sculpture coming from ? [/i:21794af722]

The Greek Mythology pictures that I have posted? I have always enjoyed mythology. So was inevitable that I would sooner or latter create renderings on those subjects. In the case of "Birth of Galatea" there is also an additional reason. I believe that all artist will sooner or latter use their art to create their own Galateas. (or for the artistic ladies their Galateos?) Our webmaster is a prime example of someone who has created his Galatea and even brought her somewhat to life. I am of course referring Posy who is Tormentor's Galatea.

([i:21794af722]Tormie calls the police anyway... [/i:21794af722]

[i:21794af722]- Will you invite us at your party? [/i:21794af722]

I think that were are all at a party already! Looking at the style of this site compared to so many other art sites, PosetteForever is a on-line party for artists.

([i:21794af722]Tormie: :bigrinnin:[/i:21794af722])
- Do you use to FART when you're in the tub just to see all those bubbles ? [/i:21794af722]

I have no control over that, when it happens, it happens.

[i:21794af722]- What's your favorite digital art site ? (*wink* *wink* *blink* *blink* *bribe* *bribe*) [/i:21794af722]

No bribe needed. It is PosetteForever.

(>CRUNCH!< >CRUNCH!< [i:21794af722] Tormie saved candies :bigrinnin: [/i:21794af722])

[i:21794af722]- Have you a suggestion for PosetteForever ? [/i:21794af722]

My suggestion is for it to remain the nice friendly place that it is.

[i:21794af722]- What's your favorite book? [/i:21794af722]

Oh there are so many good ones that I have loved, that it is impossible to select just one or even a few. I read books on each of the subjects that I have interest in.

[i:21794af722]- What's your favorite TV show ? [/i:21794af722]
Some are: The Adventures of Robin Hood, The Rifleman, Have Gun Will Travel, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Covington Cross, Zorro, Lost in Space, Stargate SG1, Babylon 5, Space 1999, Dr. Who, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers (first season), Space Above and Beyond, Sea Quest DSV. Do you see a pattern?

[i:21794af722]- What's your favorite band or singer ? [/i:21794af722]

Of those singers who are still currently performing, I would have to say it is Andreas Botticelli. While I have not heard much of his work, what I have heard of it I like. He had a wonderful singing voice.
Among bands I mostly like the music of the big bands such as Glenn Miller and Tommy Dorsey.
Considering all music, I have found that I like various pieces of many styles and eras. However, the style that I like the most is classical and baroque, including modern compositions in the classical style.
Admitting that you like symphonic music is not a popular thing to admit around my area, well I will say it. Many people that I have met like what they call television and movie music. Little do most of them know that most of the "movie tunes" that they hum and whistle are performed by symphonies. They seem to think that they have to claim to like rock music only but movie tunes are OK too. For a while, the "Apocalypse Now" music was a popular whistling piece, though most of them did not know that piece is in fact, "Ride of the Valkyrie" by Richard Wagner from his opera "Die Walkyrie". Just like most did not know that the Star Wars themes were performed by the London Symphony. For a while after the release of the movie "Excalibur", its music became very popular. Little did they know that most of it was from Wagner's Operas. The part that was most popular at the time was the main theme from the movie, that was in fact a lightly adapted version of "Sigfried's Death March" by Wagner from the final opera of The Ring.
Hoping to expand their visions of music and helping them to realize that they did like more than Rock alone, I would from time to time inform them of who composed the pieces that they like or who performed them. Unfortunately, most of the time, they would instantly discover that they did not really like that music after all.

[i:21794af722]- Do you use to sing under the shower?[/i:21794af722]

With my voice? Please, I do not want to break the pipes.

[i:21794af722]- What's your favorite movie? [/i:21794af722]

This question is not easier to answer than the question about books and television shows. I have seen so many rotten ones and some very nice ones. Regardless of general the styles of the movies those that we enjoy the most are those that provide mysteries, adventure, and new worlds to imagine. A frequent style that we watch is SciFi and fantasy mostly because when done right a good SciFi speak to so many of the aspects of the human condition without all the politics, hatred, and other such baggage that bogs down so many other pictures. Without that baggage they are free to tell their stories without fear of offending.
An example of the freedom of expression available with SciFi involves a movie "Hell in the Pacific". A number of years ago there was an attempt to remake that picture, but according to the news, the effort was abandoned because of protests. The protesters wanted to alter many of the key details of the movie to make it more PC. They wanted the Japanese character to be shown in a better light and the American character to be shown as cruder and more vile. A few years after the project to remake the movie was abandoned, It was remade by another production company with none of the alterations that the protester demanded. How did they avoid the protest this time? It was remade as a SciFi movie called, "Enemy Mine". It was the same situation but the story was of a lost Human fighter pilot and a lost Drac fighter pilot. (The humans and the dracs were at war) Thanks to the otherworld nature of the film it was not burdened with racial and social baggage of our times, the story was told as intended without interference by protesters.

[i:21794af722]- Where you would go now ? [/i:21794af722]

As I write this paragraph, to bed, it is late.

[i:21794af722]- Are you the one who has stolen all the Rudy's soda from Guiltypleasures' house ? [/i:21794af722]

Who me? No, I prefer a different brand of soda water.

([i:21794af722]Tormie:  :-k   :-k  :-k [/i:21794af722])

Thank you Pangor :bigrinnin: !

Last edited by Tormie on 15 Mar 2005 07:52; edited 2 times in total 
 Tormie [ 15 Mar 2005 07:38 ]

The interview !
Oops. Too much data.

 Posy [ 15 Mar 2005 07:40 ]
Don't worry honey ! I'll read it to you later...

 Tormie [ 15 Mar 2005 07:43 ]
I cannot feel "worry", so don't worry.

 Posy [ 15 Mar 2005 07:44 ]
:clap:  Very interesting!
By the way: "Enemy mine" is a movie from a german director named Wolfgang Petersen. Before he goes to Hollywood he had made several movies in Germany (Bavaria Studios) - one of his most famous movies (at least in Germany) is: "Die unendliche Geschichte" (based upon a novel from german author Michael Ende), perhaps this movie is also known in USA.

And to the problem with "moviethemes" aka "classical music". Yes, it is very often, that movie music use original classical works. I'm not sure, but i hear very often an american composition in films (Samual Barber - Adagio for Strings, often as derivate or only few extractions), most of these films fortunately are very well done movies  :) .

Original movie scores are often only "good to hear" if you saw the movie before, sometimes, movie scores are boring or make me nervous without the movie, they are written for.  :^o

To me the best movie-score-componists of these days are: Howard Shore (of course "Lord of the rings", but also for scores of the David Cronenberg movies!), Carter Burwell and James Horner.

It's always interesting to me, what other people think about arts (to me a lot of movies are artworks) and take looks behind the curtains (of making art/films/music/theatre and so on...).

Thanks for the interview and sharing your thoughts, pangor  :)

 Poserkatz [ 15 Mar 2005 16:33 ]
I saw "enemy mine" but I didn't liked it for the poor resources spent on the movie making, even if the story was good. About Wolfgang Petersen: Poserkatz, you forgot one of the best german movie ever made and one of my favourites if not my favourite movie which is "Das Boot", directed by him...

 Tormie [ 15 Mar 2005 18:28 ]
:oops:  shame on me...
"Das Boot" as the original 6-part-TV-Miniseries is very very good - the movie (cutted/trimmed for the cinemas) I don't like.  [-(

 Poserkatz [ 16 Mar 2005 06:01 ]
I never could see the miniserie  :crybaby:  :crybaby:  :crybaby: ....

 Tormie [ 16 Mar 2005 09:09 ]
That must have been a horrible hacket job of the original story.  I remember a miniseries that we saw back around 1980.  It was twelve hours long, with commercials, playing for six nights.  The last time I thought that they were going to show it again, it turned out to have been presented as a single made for television movie one and one half hours long with commercials.  Then I was a copy of it in the video store, it was expensive enough to be the original full length version, but it was the movie version.  With commercials removed, the box listed it as being only about 70 minutes long.  I did not purchase it.


 pangor [ 16 Mar 2005 16:29 ]
Not that I know of. What do you remember about  a miniseries that we saw back around 1980   ? Who was that? Why didn't you do purchase it?

 Posy [ 16 Mar 2005 16:29 ]
Great Interview!  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

 JanReinar [ 17 Mar 2005 13:22 ]
Nice to know about you and your ideas Pangor, whish the best for you.


 rayera [ 19 Mar 2005 19:39 ]
Great Interveiw Pangor, a pleasure to get to know you better :)

 guiltypleasures [ 22 Mar 2005 16:57 ]
Thank you everyone.


 pangor [ 22 Mar 2005 17:18 ]
Thanks for taking the time to make it so comprehensive. A good interview.

Our local video rental store has a 'directors cut' of Das Boot as a movie and it's around three hours long and is apparantly a very good cut/version of the film.

I must get it as I've been promising myself I'll watch it for years.

 Ozymandias Jones [ 24 Mar 2005 15:45 ]
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