DAZ Purchases Eovia Good? Bad? or who cares?

DAZ Purchases Eovia Good? Bad? or who cares?
Daz as Bought Eovia..looks as if Daz wants to corner the Market
by swallowing the comptetion or something like that.
They seem to be acquire alot of things these days.
is this good or bad? :mmmh:

 Nex [ 27 Apr 2006 08:51 ]

DAZ Purchases Eovia Good? Bad? or who cares?
I think it's not good to control the market, if you control the market you can control the price and the compatibility of the programs. If I'm not wrong our beloved Posettes :heartbeat: don't work well on Daz's Studio, but their V3 works great...

 Tormie [ 27 Apr 2006 09:53 ]
Yea, we had started this discussion in one of the staff´s forums threads already
Posetteforever is getting more important than ever, just to prove 3D art is possible WITHOUT DAZ :lol: ( Makes me feel a bit like Asterix :wink:  :prrr: )

 ahjah [ 27 Apr 2006 22:43 ]
You're right Andreas  :lol:, our little philosophy is well appreciated  :thumb: !

 Tormie [ 27 Apr 2006 23:47 ]
The first time I ran a Posette in D.S. it kept scalping her,
the hair would always float above her...now granted this was the first version
of D.S.
I have tried the second D.S. and the lost interest.

 Nex [ 28 Apr 2006 07:09 ]
The newest version of D/S is pretty easy on Posette and can give some decent results.  But I agree that she looks best in Poser.

Monopolies are not good, but I'm taking a wait and see attitude about Daz and their latest aquisition.  They have been pushing prices down hard for the last two months and have had some incredible deals on props and building, etc. In fact they just put Hexagon 2.0 (aquired from Eovia) on sale dirt cheap. Platimum club members and electronic download only, but still a bit unusual in my mind.

Of course, nothing beats a freebie! :lol:

Last edited by melamkish on 01 May 2006 02:39; edited 1 time in total 
 melamkish [ 28 Apr 2006 12:14 ]
:uuh:  :uuh:  :uuh:

 ahjah [ 29 Apr 2006 01:09 ]
This subject deserves a topic of its own, so I have split this topic from the "DAZ changing free product system" topic.

My opinion is that the purchases is a good thing for those who were able to purchase Hexagon 2 for such a large discount, but it is not a good thing for the field of 3D.  If that were a way to save good products when the company was failing, that would be find.  However, the less companies or free software groups there are experimenting and developing new products how many new great ideas will never be developed?

The only major in house software development by DAZ has been Studio.  It is interesting and had promise, but it is still beta.  Yes they declared it to be version 1.0 a few months ago, but honestly, it is still only beta quality with some alpha rough spots.

People think of Studio as being free, but it is not.  Like V3, the Studio software that can be downloaded for free is barely useable.  To make it really useable you need to purchase the plugings.  So the current full cost for Studio  is $245.55 USD (assuming one is not a PC members and noting is on discount at time of purchase).  So complete DAZ Studio "free" is more costly than what I paid for Poser 5 "retail" including the cost for shipping and Studio is not yet able to replace most of the functions of Poser.  And Studio is still useless for content developers unless they want to make Studio only content.

Still Posettes are becoming ever more popular.  A year ago, when I would go to other sites, I would almost always find jokes or insults posted about Posettes and other stock Poser models.  This year, so far there are many less incidents like that.  One came by IM at Rendo as a result of my picture where Posette has Ahjah's piggy nose and JR's large brests morphs and my skin shader using a photoreal texture form PF's freestuff; someone was irritated that he was tricked into looking at a Posette picture, fromthe thumbnail he didn't know she was a Posette.  The other was about Judy, and it was said by a troll at another site.  There has been a lot of improvement in opinions in just one year.

 pangor [ 29 Apr 2006 20:04 ]
Holy words pangor  :) ! I said a lot of times that Daz's products are like a mercedes benz, there are a lot of plugins to buy if you want the product really working. However everyone can do what he or she wants with his or her money, here at PF we care above all of people that want tho make art with little or no money. I like Posettes and don't want to use else for my female characters but I can't use my money to buy the ultimate V something or the clothing for her.

Like in the 3rd world countries there are two markets, the market for the rich people and the market for the poor people. Here we care about the "poor" people, where with "poor" I mean people that have to take care to the way they spend their wages. The final result is the same, or on the contrary, it's better  :thumb: !

 Tormie [ 29 Apr 2006 20:17 ]
Post Re: DAZ Purchases Eovia Good? Bad? Or Who Cares? 
Oh, I am this subject. I had Carrara 5 pro before Daz bought it out; yes I am an Eoviaite  :wink:
I'm also one of the; if not the, worst complainers about the way Daz has treated us Eoviaites, on the Daz forum. I dangle my toes over the line of the TOS there quite often. I wont complain too much about Daz here, that's what the Daz forum is for. None the less I often describe us Eoviaite as the adopted red headed step children of the Daz family.
It's still undesided if Daz has Bitten off more then they can chew, but we will have a better idea when/if the updates for Carrara 5 and Hex 2 come out. Despite arguments and opinions to the contrary I'm still pessimistic about it. Personally I think Daz has streched them selves to thin.
I also don't think they are fully awair of what Carrara can do. As in Carrara 5 can replace Daz studio and Poser; well almost. The only time I use Poser 5 is to work around a few Carrara bugs. And Carrara 5 is a bit of an older program so lets say Poser 5 and Daz studio 1.3 .  :wink: I have been told C5 dosen't read JCM's so it can't use a figure quite as well; Johnny Carson's memiors???????? :dontknow:
Some times I wonder if Daz even rembers Carrara and Hex. But it could just be they are being very close mouthed about it.
But then you have to wonder what would have become of Carrara and Hex if Daz hadn't of bought them. You have to wonder what sort of financial shape Eovia was in, and how much longer they may have been abale to keep afloat.
I just hope Daz didn't save Carrara and Hex from a quick death, just to let them die a slow one, forgotten in some back folder of a content supermart.

 manleystanley [ 16 Dec 2006 02:10 ]
Post Re: DAZ Purchases Eovia Good? Bad? Or Who Cares? 
I am generally suspicious when someone wants to run the table. Competition is good for the consumer, it keeps companies on their toes, but it doesn't have to be cutthroat. If one company owned everything, what incentive would there be to better their products, as in "It's my way or the highway". Hopefully there will now be more resources available to improve the Eovia products, but they kind of lose their identity as a brand name.

Now I want to say something about DAZ & Victoria. I own Stephanie  & Stephanie 3, Victoria 1, 2 & 3, Michael 3, Millenium Dog & Cat, bryce 5.5 & 6, vendor packs etc, so I have actually spent some money there. We are up to version 4 with her now and still no great improvement in her shoulder/ arm area, IMO. It amazes me that nobody there attempts to improve that part, especially with the abundance of nude V3s in the galleries. If you plan to sell a product and accept people's hard-earned cash, get it right! Such a thing should be addressed in the basic product and not hook you into buying tons of extra crap in the hopes that you'll be able to get it the way it should be. Posette looks great out of the box with really what amounts to very little effort. The biggest hurdle for me was simultaneously learning general 3D concepts, Poser's interface and image editing programs while working 60 hours a week. It's addictive!

Hopefully this will be a good thing for us all in that the price may fall to where it brings more new, young blood into the 3d arena that would not have come otherwise due to prohibitive costs. Otherwise it's just more "I want to own everything". Long live Posette & Dork in their Posetteforever Kingdom!

 Crimmy [ 21 Dec 2006 14:51 ]
Post Re: DAZ Purchases Eovia Good? Bad? or who cares? 
Thanks Crimmy (and happy belated birthday :redface: ). About The new "Victoria" there is nothing "new". It's simply another character with a multiplied number of polygons, heavier to load in the PC and with a tragic mess like the morph injection. What I mean is that there is nothing new in the way a character is made, it's like a soccer ball full of hair, made of polygons and empty internally, no tries to improve or find an alternative way to make it. And we are very very far to the point where one can not say if a picture is representing a real person or a 3d character, it still needs a lot of postwork and a very skilled artist. This is the reason why you still have problems in the shoulder/arm area, they have done noting more then create another character with the same technology with incompatible dresses and texture with the previous character in order to make money selling it to the people, the old V3 will become unsupported soon (as usual). As a base for the postwork what I consider more important than the number of polygons is a very good textures. In the premiere pictures of this Victoria 4 they show the texture till the pores, but obviously it's only a good texture map, nothing related to the way the character is made. If I take the same texture and port it to Posette the result would be the same. I'm actually gratefull to e-frontier for the NEW technology of the dynamic dresses and hair, this is what I consider NEW and worthing to spend my money, I can use dynamic dresses to wear my beloved Posy  :heartbeat: and the other characters because with a little skill (and the rayera's tutorial) they can be used even if they are not born for the character they were made for. This is the reason why the dynamic dresses are poorly supported, the conforming one CAN't be used for a different character so that you've to spend money, money money, and actually I've not too much money :redface:

 Tormie [ 21 Dec 2006 20:27 ]
Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining that. I might say no. Do you think I could ever be a base for the postwork what he or she consider more important than the number of polygons is a very good textures? That was a long time ago.

 Posy [ 21 Dec 2006 20:27 ]
Post Re: DAZ Purchases Eovia Good? Bad? or who cares? 
:heartbeat:  :heartbeat:  :heartbeat:

 Tormie [ 21 Dec 2006 20:27 ]
Post Re: DAZ Purchases Eovia Good? Bad? Or Who Cares? 
I still use Carrara Pro 5 and Hexagon 1.2.  Both Eovia with no DAZ code or anything.  I don't have any DAZ software installed, except for maybe some Poser content from them.  Oh, and I use V3/M3, so that is DAZ.  Just no programs.  Anyway, I haven't noticed any difference since DAZ took over Eovia's stuff.

Last edited by ShawnDriscoll on 09 Apr 2012 15:27; edited 1 time in total 
 ShawnDriscoll [ 09 Apr 2012 15:27 ]
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