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Post Did you know??

#1  Belladonna 03 Apr 2006 03:56

[align=center:f4e4a5d496]Thought it would be nice to have some nice thread where we can tell each other things we might not know in Life....

I'll start:

Did you know that Cows dont have any upper front teeth? and that they have four stomachs? (do i hear a ewwww)
Although a cow has no upper front teeth, it grazes up to 8 hours a day, taking in about 45 kg (100 lb) of feed and the equivalent of a bath tub full of water. A healthy cow gives about 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.

A cow has four stomachs: the rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum. The rumen is the largest stomach and acts as a fermentation chamber. The abomasum is last of the four and is comparable in both structure and function to the human stomach.

With all its grazing and many stomachs, it is no wonder that cows are one of the main contributors to the hole in the ozone layer. Apart from CFC, the biggest culprit is hydrocarbon emissions from cars and cows. Yes, cows! Cows release some 100 million tons of hydrocarbon annually - by releasing gas. To give you an idea of how much gas a cow emits: if the gas of 10 cows could be captured, it would provide heating for a small house for a year.

But unlike what you think, cows release hydrocarbon mostly by burping.

all hooved animals have 3 or 4 stomachs.. with the exception of horses which have only one... (not a fact i have to look that up about horsies)


So do you have anything you would like to share?....
 :clap: [/align:f4e4a5d496]

[size=12:6e3b313dff][font=Andalus:6e3b313dff][color=indigo:6e3b313dff][b:6e3b313dff][align=center:6e3b313dff] :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :lmao: I Feel So Pretty... the cat just scratched me!!:lmao: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: [/align:6e3b313dff][/b:6e3b313dff][/color:6e3b313dff][/font:6e3b313dff][/size:6e3b313dff]
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#2  pangor 03 Apr 2006 04:09

Which came first computer programmers or electronic computers?

Computer programmers came first, the original computers where mechanical not electronic.


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#3  Posy 03 Apr 2006 04:09

What kind of computer science interests you?

:1st: I won the Loebner prize :yeah: !
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Post Re: Did you know??

#4  Belladonna 03 Apr 2006 04:18

[align=center:800010f2e6]Since i am a huge lover of cats, thought i'd post this too..
All cats are descendants of one type of cat
Whether your kitty meows or roars, it is a descendant of the Felis silvestris species, which is divided into the African wildcat, European wildcat and Steppe wildcat.

The smallest of the descendants is the rusty-spotted cat found in Sri Lanka. It is about half the size of the domestic cat. The largest is the tiger. The male Siberian or Amur Tiger has a total body length in excess of 3m (10 ft) and weighs up to 300kg (660 lb).

The lion is the king of the cats. It stands out from the other cats, not just in its distinctive appearance but also in being the only felid that lives in organised social groups. Adult male lions weigh up to 225kg (500 lb) and grow up to 3m (10 ft) in body length.

The fastest cat, the cheetah, is also the fastest land animal. It can reach 95 km/h (60 mph) over short distances. Unlike other big cats it does not roar - it makes high pitched yelps, barks and chirruping sounds. And like your kitty, it does purr.

Domestic cats purr at about 26 cycles per second, the same frequency as an idling diesel engine. A domestic cat hears frequencies up to about 65 kHz, humans up to 20 kHz. Its sense of smell is about 14 times stronger than that of humans.

In the rear of a cat's eye is a light-reflecting layer called the tapetum lucidum, which causes cats' eyes to glow at night. This reflecting layer absorbs light 6 times more effectively than human eyes do, allowing a cat to see better than humans at night.

There are more than 3000 types of domestic cats, but only 8% are pedigree. And, unlike other cats, they are found all over the world... in abundance. In the US, there are more cats than dogs, and people annually spend more on cat food than on baby food.

Domestic cats - or any other cats - do not have nine lives. They also do not always land on their feet. It is said that a cat that falls out of a 20-story building has a better chance of surviving than when falling out of a 7-story building because it takes a cat at least 7 stories to co-ordinate itself to land on its feet.

Cats step with both left legs, then both right legs when they walk or run. The only other animals to do this are the giraffe, camel and the maned wolf.

Rare cats
While there are so many domestic cats, other cats are of the rarest and most endangered species on earth. Only 250 of the Malabar Large Spotted Civet are thought to survive in their Asian habitat. Iriomote cats, found on the Japanese island of Iriomotejima, number less than 100.


[size=12:6e3b313dff][font=Andalus:6e3b313dff][color=indigo:6e3b313dff][b:6e3b313dff][align=center:6e3b313dff] :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :lmao: I Feel So Pretty... the cat just scratched me!!:lmao: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: [/align:6e3b313dff][/b:6e3b313dff][/color:6e3b313dff][/font:6e3b313dff][/size:6e3b313dff]
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#5  Tormie 15 Apr 2006 22:30

:lol:  :lol:  :lol: !!! Nice topic Belladonna ! I'll add some soon too :wink: !

:clinton: :panda: :madsmile: :panda: :jztrumpet:
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#6  pangor 30 Apr 2006 20:52

Did you know that we are living in a very special time in the life of the Terra/Luna system?  In the past the satellite that we call the moon was closer to the Earth and has been slowly drifting away in a growing orbit.  Only at this point in time is the moon's distance from Earth just right for the sun and the moon to appear to be the same size in the sky.  Also this it the only point in time that the moon is at the right distance from the earth for it to intersect the Earth umbra cone at the point where the result will be that the Earth's shadow on the moon appears to be the same size as the moon and so the sun as well.  A few tens of thousands of year ago this relationship of sizes did not exist and soon, in a few more thousand years it will once again not exist.


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#7  Tormie 01 May 2006 08:06

It solved a question that I've ever asked myself  :mmmh: ...

:clinton: :panda: :madsmile: :panda: :jztrumpet:
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#8  rayera 01 May 2006 19:06

Where I live is surrounded by rivers and lagoons that makes a perfect place for mosquitos, (I hate them) when I was in hi school it was a surprise for me to know that only the female mosquitos suck blood, the male ones sucks from the vegetables (I don't know the english word, in spanish is savia  :oops: ) the curious fact is that in spanish we referes to the mosquitos that stinks as males, we say "los mosquitos": male; not "las mosquitos": female  :mmmh:
anyway my spanish teacher told me that the correct way to call them is "los mosquitos hembra" (los= the in male form, mosquitos=mosquitos, hembra=female).
When I tell this to somebody it's allways a surprise
Why everybody asume that the bad mosquitos are males? :mmmh:
 :prrr:  :prrr:  :snooty:  :snooty:

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#9  Belladonna 12 May 2006 04:34

because all males are bad....  :lmao:  its a known theory - if something goes wrong - blame the male, if it goes right - it was the female.....  :dance:

[size=12:6e3b313dff][font=Andalus:6e3b313dff][color=indigo:6e3b313dff][b:6e3b313dff][align=center:6e3b313dff] :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :lmao: I Feel So Pretty... the cat just scratched me!!:lmao: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: [/align:6e3b313dff][/b:6e3b313dff][/color:6e3b313dff][/font:6e3b313dff][/size:6e3b313dff]
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#10  pangor 12 May 2006 05:14

:eh:  :mmmh: :crying:  :supercry:  :eh:  :mmmh:  :nono:


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#11  Belladonna 12 May 2006 05:17

:heartbeat: thats all i'm saying............ i've gotten myself into too much trouble already....

[size=12:6e3b313dff][font=Andalus:6e3b313dff][color=indigo:6e3b313dff][b:6e3b313dff][align=center:6e3b313dff] :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :lmao: I Feel So Pretty... the cat just scratched me!!:lmao: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: [/align:6e3b313dff][/b:6e3b313dff][/color:6e3b313dff][/font:6e3b313dff][/size:6e3b313dff]
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#12  pangor 12 May 2006 06:23

:lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:


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#13  Belladonna 12 May 2006 06:31

Nerves are the organs which tell us what is going on in the world outside our bodies, and which take messages about this world to the brain, which translates the messages into feelings. There are four types of nerve in the body. The first is the one which picks up messages like pain, light, cold and heat. The second type of nerve receives these messages and sends others to parts of the body which cause swift action to be taken. For example, if you touch a hot iron, the first type of nerve tells you it is hot, and a split second late the second sort of nerve makes your muscles pull your hand away in what is called a reflex action. The third type of nerve takes messages over longer distances in the body, and is the type of nerve which makes our body do the things our brain orders it to do, such as moving parts of the body to perform certain actions. The final sort of nerve is that which transmits messages from the first type, called sensory nerves, to the brain where the messages are translated into feeling. This is why, having touched the iron, we may not feel the pain until just after we have pulled our hand away. We have nerves all over our body, although there are more in certain parts than in others. The central nervous system, through which all messages pass, is composed of the brain and the spinal cord, which is why we have to take special care not to damage our head or backs...

**Pangor thats why you need to stop dropping yourself. you get hurt every time!!  :lmao:

[size=12:6e3b313dff][font=Andalus:6e3b313dff][color=indigo:6e3b313dff][b:6e3b313dff][align=center:6e3b313dff] :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :lmao: I Feel So Pretty... the cat just scratched me!!:lmao: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: [/align:6e3b313dff][/b:6e3b313dff][/color:6e3b313dff][/font:6e3b313dff][/size:6e3b313dff]
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#14  Belladonna 12 May 2006 06:33

I've got two teddy bears on my bed.... both are gifts for anyone daring to ask!  :oops:

The teddy bear is named after U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt, whose nickname was Teddy. In 1902, on a hunting trip, Roosevelt refused to kill a bear cub. Later, a shopkeeper began selling toy bears, calling them Teddy Bear.

so ner ner....  :dance:

[size=12:6e3b313dff][font=Andalus:6e3b313dff][color=indigo:6e3b313dff][b:6e3b313dff][align=center:6e3b313dff] :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :lmao: I Feel So Pretty... the cat just scratched me!!:lmao: :heartbeat: :heartbeat: [/align:6e3b313dff][/b:6e3b313dff][/color:6e3b313dff][/font:6e3b313dff][/size:6e3b313dff]
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#15  pangor 12 May 2006 07:17

Belladonna";p="31161 wrote: 
**Pangor thats why you need to stop dropping yourself. you get hurt every time!!  :lmao:

 :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:
I agree, now I wish the ISP would behave and stop dropping me!
 :pray:  :pray:


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