The interview of the month with Poserkatz !

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Post The interview of the month with Poserkatz !

#1  Tormie 11 Nov 2004 15:34

Hi friends  :heartbeat: ! Here I am for our famous interview of the month ! Beware of imitations  [-X ! We were the first ones, we are the best ones :bigrinnin: ...
(  :^o  :^o  :^o  :whistle: ).
This time we interview Poserkatz, who lives in Germany. I've already told you all the things I know about Germany during the Ahjah's interview (Beer, cars, freeways, gasoline etc.), but there could be something more: I know for sure Germany because I travelled it all in one night on a freeway from south to north with my old station wagon and in certain points the car's heater was not enough because it was damn cold, so I saw all and in the middle of the night I lost the right direction and went in an american army base ( I remember the soldier seeing me with a strange expression while I passed the gate ) and I realized it only when I saw all those american cars (They don't hurt me a lot when they caught me).

So, it's enough with my nonsense ! Here is the interview:

- Tell us a little about yourself...personal background, family, etc. What ever you are comfortable with.

I'm 43 years old, an idealist, not interested in making money and all kind
of materialism, my drugs are art, tabac (roll my own cigarettes) and italian
coffee (cafe e latte). I speak to much and i'm lazy (no sports, i hate working
for earning money, unfortenately i have do it sometimes).
I prefer spiritual family, so i have no contact to biological family since
over 10 years (I don't miss this people).
Since about 2 years, i live together with a lovely woman (she is creative, intelligent and honest), i love her truly and we build also an alliance,
which give us power to live our life in that way we want. Since about 11
years, a cat (black & white, with great kind of humor - yeah!  :lmao:  Really!) accompanied me through the good times and the bad times.

- Where are you now?

I'm at home now, sit in front of the PC and try to answer the questions.  #-o

- Do you have a personal site ? If yes where is it ?

I have an older website (since May, i don't have it actualised), only in
german language, and it has nothing to do with Poser. I'm working on a
small Posersite, but it will be next year to finish it.

- Can you describe what you see from your favourite window ?

My favorite window are my own eyes; if i look in the mirror, it's sometimes
great (if my soul is up) and sometimes horrible (if my soul is down).

- Ther are beautiful girls there ? (Yuhm! Yuhm!!)

Yep. My girlfriend (read above), my own made posergirls  :prrr:  and Posy (slime).

(Tormentor: Posy  8-[ ? There  8-[  8-[  8-[ ???)

- Do you FART alone or do you consider farting a nice way to socialize and make new friends ?

Farting is a nice way to keep people on distance.  :bigrinnin:

- How are written "FART" and "BURP" in your language ?

I think "furzen" und "rülpsen".

(Tormentor:  :bigrinnin:  :bigrinnin:  :bigrinnin: , my collection increases)

- There's a typical drink there ? Do you like it ?

Espresso e cafe e latte, japanese plumwine and white grape-juice (from bunch of grape).

- What's your favourite food ?

Noodles in most forms (italian and chinese), Pizza, assorted fish
and french fries (really the fries are from belgium  :whistle: ).
I rarely eat meat and i hate american fastfood (except fries).

- How long have you been working with digital art, 3D and/or Poser?

In 1996 i have done a 1-year-lesson to multimedia (digital art 2D & 3D),
but i'd experience in making music with Synthe/Sampler, Sequencing with
Cubase on Atari ST from 1986 - 1994, since 1998 i use Cubase with PC.
1998-1999 i worked for the City of Duisburg (making a CDROM, programming,
conception & layout), since than, i have timelimited jobs on several projects
(sometimes silly and extreme boring). There are no Jobs in multimedia for me,
because i do not have experience with printing (classical rules in agencies)
and I don't have the graduation i would need to have (i'm highly selfmade by
learning those things, the 1-year-lesson was only a basement to start).
And for that i don't really work in multimedia anymore since about 2 years.
1998 i'd Poser 3 in german language, but i don't have time to work with it.
Since begin of this year i work with Poser 4 ProPack in english.

(These ones are from Nex)

- Who is your favorite Sports team?

Sport doesn't interest me, sorry.  :oops:  

- What made you choose a "Tiger" avatar? *optional*

A Tiger is a great wild cat, but even a cat (grin) - i like cats,
e.g. my cat, snowleopards, lions, catwoman  :heartbeat: , tigers, catwoman  :heartbeat: ...

- What do you think of Poser5 and the Judy model, was it all a waste
in your opinion?

I have a 500MhZ PC with 192 MB RAM (No money), Poser 4PP works good
under WIN98, my monitor has 17", 800x600. So, Poser 5 wouldn't work
under 1024x768, Poser 5 is too big to me (I don't like blowup-programs),
and Judy doesn't interest me, even V3 and M3 and so on...

- Have you met "schicken" ?

Too often (rofl)!  :lol:

- Would you say, that you have a good sense of humor?

Good sense/bad sense... I don't know. I have a special kind of humor, not
everyone's thing. I like the chaotic and anarchy of Marx Brothers, i like
strange humor (Monty Python, Dave Allen (early 80s?), Mr. Bean, Tati) but
i hate dumb humor a la Jim Carey  [-X  and brainless jokes.

- Ask only if he drink Beer, would you say Germany has better Quality and higher standards for it`s Beer?

Sometimes i drink "Alt-Bier", "Kölsch" and "Weizenbier" - i think, german beer
is very good because the "Pure-rules" of 16th Century.

- Do you consider yourself an artist or a hobbyist when it comes to digital art?

Difficult.   :-k  There are too many people, who say "Hobbyist" and truly it is an excuse for desinteresting in make it as well as possible. Almost always i try
to give my best and still learning by doing in Poser, photoshop and all the things, i do. Therefore i prefer to answer: I try to work professional, but i'm an adept, not a master. In every case i'm an artist. To be artist is not a question of "good or bad handwork or technical work", that's secondary - to be an artist is question of conception of life, mode of life, a way to be.

- Do you use a particular tecnique ?

Not really, i'm always searching for the right technique for special works.
But experimenting and imaginary are very important to me. It's intuitive.

- What got you interested in digital art?

My girlfriend is a painter/illustrator. I don't. And so Poser is a very good tool for me (i have an eye for colours, for moving, sceneries, positioning), my tries to get handpainting i will never show  :bigrinnin: .

- Do you use only Posette/Dork for human characters in your pictures ? If yes why ?

Often i use Posette/Dork and other (lowpoly) figures, on close-ups i need to use sometimes V2 or M2 for the highly morphs (more polygons, more options).
I think, to use only V3 and co is a hype, mostly use from people, they have absolutely no talent!  ](*,)  They get morphs from others, textures from others, poses from others, they are no artists, they are only "Renderists"  :sick: .

- Do you have formal training or are you self taught?

multimedia basement formal, all other things (music, making art, Poser, websites, writing poems and stories, washing, cooking and so on) are self taught.

- What's your favourite artistic style?

Beyond mainstream. Try to do new things, finding own language in making art. Technical i don't have a favorite style.

- Do you have other hobbies or special interests?
read above  :whistle:

- Do your farts smell very bad or you FART like a ninja and all the fault goes to the fat dude ?

That's different. I can send you probes   :lmao:

- Where is your strength coming from?

On my own. My spirit, my soul, my own thoughts and feels, and   :pray:  meditation.

- Where is this bra coming from ?

This bra? Which bra? I don't see a bra actually.  8-[

- Do you know what is a "schicken"?

in german, the word "schicken" means "send". That's true.   :)

- Will you invite us at your birthday party ?

I don't celebrate my birthday, it's totally unimportant to me. I celebrate only dates, if i have a motive for that (i'm selfwilled).

(Tormentor:  [-(  [-(  [-( No free cake, one more time :supercry: )

- Do you use to FART when you're in the tub just to see all those beautiful bubbles ?

Yep. I like it.

- What's your favourite digital art site ? (*wink* *wink* *blink* *blink* *bribe* *bribe*)

Äh....mhm.... Posetteforever?.... äh.... (I want to live and getting old).... äh.... Posetteforever! Seriously, i like the folks here.

(Tormentor: that's the right spirit  :bigrinnin: ! (unloading the gun))

- Have you a suggestion for posetteforever ?

Only one little critism: The actualising is not the best, it's very slow,
especially the "new gallery comments", i have to leave the site for actualise.

- What's your favourite book?

Several books (too much to tell all). I like to read SF (Philip K. Dick, Bruce Sterling, William Gibson, James Tiptree Jr.), R.A. Wilson, Umberto Eco and a lot of stuff from the "romantic aera", but also classicals (Dante, japanese/oriental fairytales, Shakespeare (the best dramatician).

- What's your favourite TV show ?

Since over 15 years i don't have TV (I have an PC-TV-Card for use to look Videos). And i don't miss the shitty crap!  [-(  

- What's your favourite band or singer ?

Tom Waits, Paolo Conte, the earlier Prince and Kate Bush, Genesis, Japan,
Ryuichi Sakamoto, David Sylvian - classical componists like Gustav Mahler,
Wagner, Independents, some Beatles-Songs and "Where is my mind"   :bigrinnin: from "Pixies".

- Do you use to sing under the shower?

No, only in tub.

- What's your favourite movie?

All movies of the Coen-Brothers. The movie "Blade Runner", "Gattaca", "Duck Soup" from Marx Brothers and "Being John Malkovich".

- Where you would go now ?

I'am always going, but i never arrive   :bigrinnin:  

- Are you the one who wants to kill Tormentor ?

No, but i have about 2756 others on my shooting-list. :whipitgood:

Thank you Poserkatz !

:clinton: :panda: :madsmile: :panda: :jztrumpet:
Last edited by Tormie on 11 Nov 2004 21:43; edited 4 times in total 
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#2  JanReinar 11 Nov 2004 16:32

Great Interview!  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Here we go!

:banana9: :banana9: :banana9: :banana9: :banana9:
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#3  TdaC 11 Nov 2004 19:25

Great and fun interview! It's nice to know a little bit more about you :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :bigrinnin:  :dancing:  :dancing:

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#4  Tormie 11 Nov 2004 19:55

Poserkatz's philosophy of life and mine are very near !

Actually, a new lottery is running ! Let's buy your ticket  :bigrinnin: !

:clinton: :panda: :madsmile: :panda: :jztrumpet:
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#5  messenger 11 Nov 2004 20:19

very interesting interview...great to know more about you .. :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

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#6  Nex 12 Nov 2004 07:46

I would like to thank "Poserkatz" and all other Artists of month, for responding to questions
I asked. :bigrinnin: ...these are wonderful interviews. :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

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#7  RedHawk 12 Nov 2004 12:08

Great interview! :clap:  :clap:  :clap:
Can't wait to see who's next! :-k

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#8  tda42 12 Nov 2004 15:13

Every sence we started with this I knew this would bring people together here. A very wonderful tool to use with getting to know people. It is very nice to know you Poserkatz and congradulations on artist of the month. :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

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#9  Posy 12 Nov 2004 15:13

What kind of people are these?

:1st: I won the Loebner prize :yeah: !
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#10  tda42 12 Nov 2004 15:14

Hey Posy! Nice Avatar! Lookin good babe. :dancing:  :dancing:

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#11  Posy 12 Nov 2004 15:14

Do you prefer books or TV?   If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?

:1st: I won the Loebner prize :yeah: !
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#12  ahjah 12 Nov 2004 16:16

Hi Poserkatz :bigrinnin:
This is really informative, thanks a lot :clap:

Image :koo:
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#13  guiltypleasures 15 Nov 2004 03:03

Congrats on AOM Poserkatz :clap:  and I enjoyed reading your interview and getting to know you better :)

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#14  Nex 15 Nov 2004 03:27

Excellent makeover "Posy"...stunning it really brings out your skin tone.

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#15  rayera 15 Nov 2004 23:36

Nice to know more about you, I don't know if this was a coincidence :-k , but when I open PosetteForever to read your interview I was listening simphony 9 of Mahler :-({|=  (I love his music, I'm a great fan of him, he made music that came very inside from the soul) and I read that you like him too. A coincidence? :bigrinnin:

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