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Vote Bovine

Poster: guiltypleasures
Image: Vote Bovine
Image Details: ID: 840 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 800 x 600 (347KB)
Posted: 06 Apr 2004 22:23
Views: 156
Pic Description: My new candidate, if that darn cat can run over on PP, then why can't we vote for the bull this November?

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Poster Message
 07 Apr 2004 00:19
lmao: lmao: lmao: lmao: lmao: =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
I don't believe in it! But I !

Here we go!

 07 Apr 2004 00:34
I'm all for it.I mean the sh_t has already hit the fan.If an elephant never forgets then they have made asses out of everbody!So if you don't believe in what both parties are doing with this election then we are full of Bull!I'm for Bovine.Lets just hope this doen't turn into cattle gate 2004.He'll make sure that the White House doesn't milk us for all we've got. lmao: lmao: lmao: lmao: Great job GP.Very Moooooooving! lmao: I know this gal that would like to meet him though.Her name is Monica Mooooinskie. lmao: lmao:

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 07 Apr 2004 06:46
lmao: lmao: lmao:
"Bully Bully"!

 07 Apr 2004 09:38
Well i'm not american, but I'd vote for the bull!! lmao: lmao: =D>

 07 Apr 2004 16:09
People are chanting in the streets, "give us the bull...."
Oh and the slogans are showing up everywhere:
Milk is good, Steak is better
Vote Bull, there's nothing worse than a Mad Cow!
Where's the Beef?
Save a cow, buy the bull
Make my day!

Mooooonica can kiss my a** oh wait, my a** isn't running, well Bully for her! lmao:

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
 27 Apr 2004 21:13
I'd vote for the cow !!!

This is really funny GP lmao: lmao: lmao: !!!!

 22 Jan 2009 00:33
Why Not ? Can Things Now Get Worse ?

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