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Under the sink...

Poster: Nik
Image: Under the sink...
Image Details: ID: 8451 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 547 x 365 (66KB)
Posted: 12 Nov 2021 01:48
Views: 77
Pic Description: I cut, pried and pulled a big piece of ''back-board'' out from under sink, could see the ''back-brace'' panel it hid.

To get at the wall and hole --Crater !!-- around thru-wall pipe, I must remove full depth of panel for ~15 inches. But, in a way I can put back to restore full strength...

As attaching mending plates *after* cutting panel might be too difficult, I thought to fit them first, so all the holes would be ready.

I decided on threaded inserts, strong s/steel mending plates and neat s/steel Allen/hex headed bolts. This would allow repeated removal / replacement at need.

I used ''hinge drill'' with telescopic sheath that self-centres in mending plate''s countersinks. Fitted first insert and bolt per plate ''by eye and sharpie''. Tightened plate, used that as template to drill other 7 holes. Swing aside to thru-drill panel and set inserts, swing back to bolt up...

See attached. Will zoom.

Hero of day was my lonnng ''Yankee'' pump-action ratchet screw-driver, which accurately reached, started and wound inserts into their 6 mm pilot holes using H4 bit, then nimbly drove those little bolts using H2.5 bit...

Honourable mention to foot-long 6 mm auger which reached past the plumbing when even a semi-flexible extension would not let my cordless drill near enough...

So, when I next feel brave, I''ll unscrew those bolts, remove their plates, cut the panel with buzz-blade / multi-tool. Take evidence photo, make ''shield'' template. Then replace panel and mending plates until wall has dried enough. Dehumidifier still pulling 2~~3 litres per day...

Spent much of today jig-sawing a part-batten and part-plank into 25-of 4 and 5 inch ''jenga'' sticks to be rungs / cleats on a pair of cat-ramp planks. Beveled exposed edges, hoovered saw-dust. Then realised ramp planks are thinner than usual decking, so I didn''t have any skinny ''decking'' screws the right length. D''uh.

I''d some in premium ''stainless steel'', but I needed 50+. Hastily ordered budget 100-of 4mm x 40 mm (~ #8 x 1½\") ''decking'' screws from Amazon with ''free delivery'' by post...

Never mind, we''ve a succession of storms forecast, and both ramps need angled feet that are running late, ''delayed by short-staffing due Covid''...

Stay Safe, Stay Well,

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I found what was causing persistent leak in kitchen...
Cat on garden''s latest shelf...
Under the sink...
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New cat-ramp.

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