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Poster: maovin
Image: V4-GG
Image Details: ID: 5431 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 769 x 800 (83KB)
Posted: 01 Jul 2009 11:47
Views: 167
Pic Description: Trying out some clothes from A.Soul......
Also playing in the material room.......with skin and clothes
Still trying to figure out the lighting......................
very nice stuff!

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Poster Message
 01 Jul 2009 12:55
Cute character!!

I love the camera lens!!!

{My starting light setup (for a 1 figure scene) is a basic 3 point:

1 light higher and behind the subject, aimed at shoulders, intensity set to 70- 75%, shadow value 0 - .8, shadow blur radius 5 - 11;

1 light variable height, in front of subject, approx. 45 degrees "camera right of center", intensity 50- 70%, shadow value .3, shadow blur radius 11;

1 light higher than subject, approx. 45 -55 degrees "camera left of center", intensity 85%, shadows value 0.800, shadow blur radius 5 or 6.

The variable values, and heights, along with careful adjusting of the "angle start" & " Angle End" values will allow you to change this simple setup to fit most (1 figure) scenes.

Remember: higher angle start, angle end, and shadow blur radius values will cause softer, fainter shadows.

Also: I have no experience with Poser 6, 7, or Pro; so I cannot comment on "IBL" "Subsurface scattering", or any of the other features which surely come in handy doing Poser lighting. }

It's not what you look like, when you're doing what you're doing;
It's what you're doing, when you're doing what it looks like you're doing.
 01 Jul 2009 21:02
I can imagine—
the door-bell rings....

"Oh -bother.... another PESTY sales -pig, -or
someone 'collecting donations — for Asian Parrots
-with fleas.... "

Then— I see -this image. . .
through the peep - hole -in the door....
When I happily 'open the door— there is 'the 712 pound
TUBBY - Lady, who wants to sell me -a weight loss program
'''''''''' (-that doesn't work )
and she desperatly needs— $150 for the infested -Fouls...
to reach her Quota...

leahman —FOBBED - Again....

Great Render— BTW... ! ! !

 02 Jul 2009 13:41

Here we go!

 04 Jul 2009 04:45

The perspective is very interesting, good job on coming up with that. The model's face is cute and her pose is nicely done, and the clothes fit well and have a warm comfy texture.

Not sure if you were soliciting for suggestions as you have plenty of talent and your work is always good, but if so Whazizname's lighting tips are sound. In real life some strong backlighting would prevent the girl's hair from blending into the background, but unfortunately in Poser 4 (as last I remember that's what you're using, but since you mentioned material room maybe you upgraded?) this isn't always effective for some reason. Depending on what you're doing the key/fill light setup Whazizname described is always a good start, with lights on the left and right 90-100 degrees apart horizontally and 20-45 degrees in vertical elevation. What I normally do (a bit different from what Whazizname suggested) is set the fill or dimmer light from 1/4 the intensity of the brighter key light (for an 'art-y' look with deep shadows) to 1/2 the intensity (for a softer look). I think if the lights are set more closely than that in intensity you start to lose your colors, shadows, and overall depth perception, like in a television studio.

Judging from the girl's pallid/washed-out appearance one thing I imagine you're doing here that I personally don't care for is that you've got her set up emitting ambient light. This is standard procedure for Poser users, and I know all the experts on the various 'Dazerosity' sites write about how great it is in their tutorials, but I don't think it looks very good compared to the alternative of finding some good textures, spending a few extra minutes on lighting, and then letting your lights do their job. It's certainly easier to just pump out some ambient light when you want more brightness on something, but it's always at a cost of color fidelity and contrast loss that gives things a distinctive unnatural look. That's just my opinion, but since so many others disagree you should of course do whatever you personally find the most pleasing.

Keep up the good work, I always enjoy your images.

 17 Nov 2012 23:50
That's some look through a fish eye lens- where's my pills.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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