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Poster: Maelstromme
Image: Discontented
Image Details: ID: 6012 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 880 x 595 (445KB)
Posted: 20 Oct 2010 02:00
Views: 179
Pic Description: It would not be right of me not to post a nice halloween piccie, and what better way to start this album off than with an eerie old mansion and its sole occupant.....Arcielle Bennet.

Ruthelessly murdered by the man she loved before their wedding, Arcielle has unfinished business. She plans to have her wedding just as soon as she has finished up her guest list...Thing is, once you enter, you never get to leave! Roam the grounds if you dare, enter the manor if you are brave of heart, but, mind you, None who have ever dared try going there have ever returned to tell the tale....Let it not be said that Arcielle is not thourough when it comes to taking care of her guest list!.....Happy Halloween!

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Poster Message
 20 Oct 2010 02:11
OMG! That is beautiful. Of coarse I love the color blue anyway but that is a nice piece of work. Wonderful job!

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 20 Oct 2010 02:18

(Canceling Our Halloween Party...)

 20 Oct 2010 05:51
Thank you both for commenting on this! Like so many of my other peices, this started with finding the perfect background. Then the story came to me, what better place to house an angry spirit right? Oh and Leahman, I don't think Arcielle would mind your party, She might even have tea and cake made available.....but remember.......Arsenic and Almonds taste EXACTLY the same! hehehe!

Model: P4 Woman aka Posette

Hair: TrioCurlUpdo by Mylochka. I made sure to make the hair white

Clothing: P4 Turtleneck and formal gown by Evilinnocence used together and made transparent.

Skin Texture: Happyworldland texture that I altered to give her an albino appearance.

Lighting: Snowsultan

Background and Postwork: I found the background online and completed the ghostliness of this peice with a free download layering program called Imaginicle. I took the empty background, then the render I made of the lovely lady, then the background again, which made her almost completely transparent. I then took the peice to photoshop and tweaked the color a bit, making it an eerie blue.

Thanks again for viewing, any positive feedback or comments to better the piece I would appreciate!

I am smiling.
 20 Oct 2010 06:30
Amazing work!

Here we go!

 20 Oct 2010 16:53

 20 Oct 2010 18:20
Thanks again to both of you for the comments! Awww, now now, Tormie no need to be afraid....really! OMG look out shes right behind you!!! hehe just kidding!

I am smiling.
 30 Oct 2010 21:05
Very cool!

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
 02 Nov 2010 02:43
Hey there sweetie! Long time no see! Thanks for the comment!

I am smiling.
 16 Dec 2012 19:58
Great work, and brilliant write up.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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