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Alpha Centauri 3

Poster: JanReinar
Image: Alpha Centauri 3
Image Details: ID: 2292 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 753 x 753 (379KB)
Posted: 21 May 2005 03:13
Views: 155
Pic Description: I want a person who know anything about the Alphans and their world and this person must be Ditra. She was born in Proxima III and has Terran and Alphan bloodline. Daughter of two someone who can see both sides. I call for her.

"What you now about Alpha Prime?" I asked.

"Only what I heard in infancy and saw in the movies, Sir!"

"Did you saw old Alphan movies?"

"Not this kind of movie! I saw Proximian movies about Alpha Prime! Like "The Princess and the Tyrant", Sir!"

"I need someone to go with me to Alpha Prime and you are the only one in the ship who knows something about the planet and the people!"

Her eyes found mine.

"Do you want that I go with you to Alpha Prime, Sir?"

"Yes I need any data about that people!"

"And so let me use the same words with their leader gave Proxima System and its people to the Terrans ...They are a imperfect people who think be more than the trash what they are! You must ruled them with a iron hand! And if they think that had escaped from our whip I also give it to Terran Governor like as I give their miserable lives!... But Terrans ruled with justice not with the whip not as masters but as allies and friends and in few years the Proxima People was not Terrans and expatriated Alphans but Proximians! A new People My People!"

"You do not like them!"

"No, Sir! I do not like them or their old and cursed

"It is your right! If you want stay in the ship I will understand."

"No, sir! Sorry, Sir! I want to go with you, Sir! Will be a honor, Sir!

Pictures Navigation
Alpha Centauri 1
Alpha Centauri 2
Alpha Centauri 3
Alpha Centauri 4
Alpha Centauri 5

Poster Message
 22 May 2005 09:05
=D> =D> =D>

The Terrans here sound like how humans were described in B5.


 22 May 2005 14:01
You are right about the Terrans Pangor. Thanks for comment!

Here we go!

 23 May 2005 06:01
Greatest stuff in Poser Sc-fi, you really know how to make a story J.R. =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

"the brite good morning voice, whose heard but never seen"
 23 May 2005 10:14
Thanks for comment Nex!

Here we go!

 16 Aug 2005 11:50
(Tormie's watching and reading the serie )

I like Ditra

 07 Sep 2005 01:28
It is good to know what you like her! I put much work on her!

Here we go!

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