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Poster: Maelstromme
Image: ShamanaFee
Image Details: ID: 5178 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 669 x 502 (349KB)
Posted: 04 Dec 2008 03:59
Views: 159
Pic Description: This is one of the characters in a story I wrote up a long time ago for a roleplay realm idea I had. ShamanaFee is a guardian of the hidden lands. She can be found in that areas tropical region keeping the balance there. She is one of 12 guardians whos task it is to keep the lands in check and tend to its rare animals and tribes of people. She is shown in this cameo seeding the clouds to make it rain after being asked to by the inhabitants in the area who desperately needed the rain.....Enjoy the view!

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Poster Message
 04 Dec 2008 08:03
Good job on this image Maelstromme. I wish I could say exactly what I like so much about it, but I can't really express it. It has an eerie and ethereal look (appropriate for the subject, a being with supernatural powers), it gives me a feeling that I am seeing something unnatural, maybe somehow the colors and lights in the scene don't go together yet at the same time they do (this being a good thing). I've thought before about what this quality is your picture shares with other rare images that give me the same feeling, but I've never been able to really define what it is except to say that the author HP Lovecraft hinted at it in his old nonfiction essay called "Supernatural Horror in Literature." If inspiring such a reaction was part of your intention in composing this image, I can only say please post more stuff like this as I seriously like it and have no idea how to make it myself.

 04 Dec 2008 12:50
Amazing Pic!

I the effects the lights the colors and the pose and expression are great!

Here we go!

 04 Dec 2008 14:20

Very beautiful character and scene!
I like the color choices a lot.

It's not what you look like, when you're doing what you're doing;
It's what you're doing, when you're doing what it looks like you're doing.
 04 Dec 2008 18:05
Thank you all for your comments I appreciate them! Your kindness to me inspires me to break out of the box and do more complex images like these....learning from what I see you do in your artwork I was able to better convey the mixture of feelings this peice entails.....ShamanaFee is benevolent but can also be a formidable adversary. She is to be respected indeed. That was the feeling I was trying most to convey here....a being that is one with the region she walks in, almost a part of it, but not totally so. All the things I used here are free items also placed by kind people on the web that love Posette just as much as we do!!! some places dont exist any more some still do.....Thanks again for veiwing!!!

I am smiling.
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