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Alpha Centauri 6

Poster: JanReinar
Image: Alpha Centauri 6
Image Details: ID: 2299 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1200 x 1200 (515KB)
Posted: 23 May 2005 03:03
Views: 241
Pic Description: "That woman want you without the Terran uniform and your Proximian watchdog!"

"She don't called you watchdog!"

"I don't care how she call me wolf or dog! But in this case she would be right! I am your Proximian loyal watchdog!"

"How all this thing begin?"

"The hate between our people and the Alphans. It began many time ago! The Iridians who ruled this system had brought Humans for here. The Humans were to do all physical work when the Iridians dedicated to their art and their science. But some between had not accepted this and they storm their way out the acient city to made their kingdom into the marshes! They were mine alphans ancestrals!"

"But you are from Proxima!"

"This is not a Terran story no happy end. The Iridians send army after army of their Human soldiers to destroy the free kingdom and after years of epic battles the Human kingdom finally fell. The Leader was tortured and transformed into a undead wairror monster to serve those who had fight! And his people was send to Proxima III to work and die for their masters wealth!"

"This is a sad end!"

"This is not end yeat! But do you saw that thing on Kayla forearm?"

"The bracelet?"

"This thing is not a bracelet it is a livig being a king of simbiont maybe a weapon maybe more than a weapon! I don't go with you tomorrow but I will give you a very useful thing!"


"A Proximian survivor suit with a commlink!"

Pictures Navigation
Alpha Centauri 4
Alpha Centauri 5
Alpha Centauri 6
Alpha Centauri 7
Alpha Centauri 8

Poster Message
 23 May 2005 03:57

Great action scenes.


 23 May 2005 10:13
Thanks for view Pangor!

Here we go!

 16 Aug 2005 11:54
(Tormie's watching and reading the serie )

Wow, what a complicated story (Tormie's impressed)

 07 Sep 2005 01:25
Thanks for view Davide!

Here we go!

 15 Dec 2015 05:17
Nice outfit on Posette in the top right frame.
Had to laugh because the guy in the top left frame looks just like the vascular surgeon I just saw the other day.
All in all, a very dramatic scene. I'm glad the bad ones are getting their comeuppance in that last frame.

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