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Alpha Centauri 21 *Violence*

Poster: JanReinar
Image: Alpha Centauri 21 *Violence*
Image Details: ID: 2341 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1200 x 1200 (1340KB)
Posted: 04 Jun 2005 14:00
Views: 357
Pic Description: Ditra no longer fire her gun the ammo is off but the Drone no more looks like dangerous. He only stand over her like a statue and speak with a deep voice.

"Who are you?"

"I am Ditra from Proxima III!" She answers.

"A long time ago I haved a wife and a daughter! My daughter was my joy my pride my hope! She was taken from me when the Iridians and their servants defeated our people! I was a leader of our people and the Iridians chosen to be turned into a Drone. They had programmed my own DNA in my brain when I found someone this DNA I must lead this people to the Iridian to be done with her what was done with me! But you damage the implants enough to allow me remember who I was! And I can't do any evil act against mine own blood! And you have my blood in your veins! And alien blood too!"

"I am a Proximian part of me are Terran!"

"And the other part?"

"From Humans who dared to rebel against the Iridians and they were send to Proxima III!"

"They told me that will send my people to work and die on Proxima System!"

"They survived and they are billions now!"

"And the Iridians?"

"The last of them died two hundred years ago!"

"My wife and daughter?"

"The Human Kingdom was destroyed thousand of years ago! But their blood is in the veins of countless of our people!"

Pictures Navigation
Alpha Centauri 19 *Violence*
Alpha Centauri 20 *Violence*
Alpha Centauri 21 *Violence*
Alpha Centauri 22 *Violence*
Alpha Centauri 23 *Violence*

Poster Message
 04 Jun 2005 16:04
It just shows you can't take the human out of our sole Nicely done Johnny!

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
 04 Jun 2005 16:48
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

I am enjoying this story more all the time.


 05 Jun 2005 02:45
Thanks for view and comment my friends!

Here we go!

 05 Jun 2005 12:00
Great imageseries and story, just keep getting more interesting. I think this part is a bit sad though, i mean the loss of his family. =D> =D> =D>

 05 Jun 2005 13:03
Thanks for view Thilda!

Here we go!

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