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Freddy vs. Jason

Poster: guiltypleasures
Image: Freddy vs. Jason
Image Details: ID: 356 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1200 x 1200 (388KB)
Posted: 12 Sep 2003 05:21
Views: 134
Pic Description: Just a first try and these two, not totally happy with it but the kids seemed to like it a lot. Of course they informed me that jason doesn't have that much hair, which I didn't know when I tried to give him a better hairdo. Oh well maybe next try :)
P. S. The boys say "Thank You Uncle Tormie"

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Da 3 Bimbo's
Shattered Faith
Freddy vs. Jason
I'm pretty too....

Poster Message
 12 Sep 2003 15:19
Pffft, those two are no match against... me!

Every night will have a day.
Even forever must come to an end. I think...
 12 Sep 2003 15:42

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
 13 Sep 2003 01:07
Great stuff GP.

The first few movies of each series are a part of my childhood and burned into my memory. Watching them on Video as a teenager was so intense, cuddled up against your girlfriend under a blanket, sneaking sips of the beer you shouldn't have with the rest of your mates in a darkened lounge room... ahhh, those were the days. Everyone trying not to look afraid.

Friday the 13th, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street and of course Evil Dead… the greatest low budget fright film ever made

Funny how tame they appear now when watched from the distance of twenty years or so But I'll never forget the gut wrenching fear of the first times.

Computer Lie #1: You'll never use all that disk space.

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
 13 Sep 2003 03:02
Saw Friday the 13th with my first husband when it came out at the local drive in, the drive in was a 5 screen and it was playing on the one that was pretty secluded from the other 4 and the snackbar. It showed twice so we caught the last showing of it and there weren't many other cars there for that one. Just when we thought Jason was dead and the girl was floating in the lake, he sprang out of the water and at that same time someone banged on our car window. Now mind you it was very dark out and I a bit foggy as well. We nearly jumped though the roof of our car!! It was just a guy who needed to borrow some jumper cables for his dead battery lol
I'll never forget that night

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
 14 Sep 2003 08:33

Sounds like a memorable night

Computer Lie #1: You'll never use all that disk space.

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
 13 Feb 2005 04:31
I would not give them much of a chance against me.....with me in a Olympus Herc or Clanner Wildcat.

I can imagine the scene now:

Patrol alpha niner one! STRICOM. Two bogies vectoring on your six.

STRICOM! Patrol alpha niner one, Copy bogies.

ORBCOM! Patrol alpha niner one, Request SATINT on bogies.

Patrol alpha niner one! Patrol alpha nine two. Two red blipers ten klicks 180 vector 0. Coorelated as bogies.

Patrol alpha niner! Patrol alpha niner one. Form on me, arm and count vector to 180. Shields mod 150/75/75/25. Emisssions profile alpha with LOS spread. Weapons free.

Patrol alpha niner two ARMED MOD.

Patrol alpha niner three ARMED MOD.

Patrol alpha niner four ARMED MOD.

Patrol alpha niner five ARMED MOD.

Patrol Alpha niner one, ORBCOM. Positive bogey force ID: one Freddy, one Jason.

ORBCOM! Patrol Alpha niner one. Say again??

niner one! niner three. Visual! Visual! Bogies closing on you!

Where? WHERE? I don't see... SQUISH!!! SQUISH!!! ...Oh... there they were. ...

Patrol alpha niner! Patrol alpha niner one, stand down, emissions profile baker, proced NAV charlie.

STRICOM!, Patrol alpha niner one, bogies, vector MRU to nav charlie.

Patrol alpha niner one, STRICOM, Copy on MRU, request ordinace expediture and casulty report., request BDA and FSA on bogies.

STRICOM! Patrol alpha niner one, zero casulties, zero damage, zero ordinance expended. Bogey BDA total. Bogey FSA no possible salvage.

Patrol alpha niner one! STRICOM. Confirm report all zero.

STRICOM! Patrol alpha niner one. Report confirmed all zero.

Patrol alpha niner one! STRICOM. ALL zero? Then why the HELL do you want the MRU

STRICOM! Patrol alpha niner one, MRU needed for a mop and squigy to remove bogies from my right motivator.


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