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enjoying the moment

Poster: guiltypleasures
Image: enjoying the moment
Image Details: ID: 6666 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 800 x 600 (291KB)
Posted: 20 Dec 2011 05:56
Views: 118
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Wheel in Action
Veiled Sun
enjoying the moment
Mensch Aergere Dich Nicht...
Happy 2012!!!

Poster Message
 20 Dec 2011 09:44

I like this very much, reminds me of the holidays as a child. We went to the Baltic Sea every year. The fishermen rode out at night for the fish, and at noon you could buy it at the market still warm from the smoker
Very beautiful ... and sharp

 20 Dec 2011 11:02
Reminds me of a small town in the southern state where my times my family spent the holidays

Here we go!

 20 Dec 2011 15:05
Very nice Rene. You know I always like your visions.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 20 Dec 2011 20:32
Thank you all very much, this is one of my favorite photos of the harbor in Charleston.

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
 20 Dec 2011 21:50
Great vintage film look you have in this one.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 20 Dec 2011 23:04
It looks beautiful. Really peaceful and calm. Thanks for sharing

 21 Dec 2011 00:12
Thank you Chromium and TdaC

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
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