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Phantom of the Opera's Christine

Poster: Maelstromme
Image: Phantom of the Opera's Christine
Image Details: ID: 7928 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 440 x 939 (58KB)
Posted: 02 Sep 2015 02:35
Views: 109
Pic Description: My favorite scene in the Joel Shumacher film rendition of my favorite opera!

Christine watches in horror as Erik the phantom lashes her beloved Raoul to the iron gates, placing a noose around Raoul's neck. Erik then informs her he has become impatient with her and demands she choose a life with him or watch her true love die at his hand.

Even in all her shock of betrayal and rage at Erik's actions, she still feels love for him. Walking toward him on delicate feet her pretty eyes fixed to his, she places his ring on her finger and sings this to him:

Pitiful creature of darkness
What kind of life have you known?!
God grant me the courage to show you
You are not alone!

She then gives him the tenderest and most heartfelt kiss. His hatred and rage melt as tears stream down his haggard face. His own mother would not even kiss him or touch him in his life yet this innocent beauty would give up all for love. Touched beyond measure, Erik frees them both but not before telling Christine he loved her as she returned his ring to him and left the tunnels in a boat with her beloved.

I always cry when I see that part. I hope you like my attempts here in creating the character of Christine.

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Phantom of the Opera's Christine
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Poster Message
 02 Sep 2015 13:16

I her face!

Great job with the hair!

The outfit is amazing as allways!

Here we go!

 03 Sep 2015 01:35
Awww! Thank you Johnny!

I am smiling.
 09 Sep 2015 17:18

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 09 Sep 2015 23:49
Thank you Amish!

I am smiling.
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