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Posette in Yellow Room

Poster: Endosphere
Image: Posette in Yellow Room
Image Details: ID: 5386 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 814 x 733 (255KB)
Posted: 22 May 2009 00:50
Views: 108
Pic Description: Inspired by a photo I saw, although by the end it hardly resembled the original.

Rendered in Poser 4 with post-work in Paint Shop Pro 6 (fixed stray pixels, enhanced contrast and color saturation).

As I am striving to improve my skill levels, constructive criticism is welcomed about any aspect of this image.

The objective of classical-type pin-up art is to be alluring without being overtly sexual in nature, and to portray the model as attractive and sensuous without the use of explicit nudity. In this image I was attempting to capture this spirit of pin-up art as it was practised in maybe the 1960''s era. It''s a very simple image with just Posette, a one-sided square for a wall, and some lights, but hopefully it''s visually interesting.


Kyoko Hair Mk3 is by Kozaburo (which uses my own texture here), and the hard-to-see bracelet on Posette''s left wrist is by Headhunter.
Everything else (Posette and textures, wall texture, and rings and ring textures) is by me.

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Miki FN FS
My Introduction to Olivia
Posette in Yellow Room
Belinda - Race Queen
We Lost Her

Poster Message
 22 May 2009 01:01
Oops, actually Posette's manicure style is based on work by someone else, but I haven't got all my files straightened out from my HD crash so I'm not sure who made the basic design on that.

 22 May 2009 09:33
Beautiful Posette !!!

 22 May 2009 15:50

 22 May 2009 16:00

Here we go!

 22 May 2009 17:41
Very nicely done! it certainly has the feel of a '60's pinup.

I love the lighting, and posing; although the skin bugs me a little...; to me it seems a bit too shiny, it would benefit from a little bump, or displacement, and the "spots" could perhaps be a little fainter. (Yes, I know that some skin does have obvious spots; but...)

It's not what you look like, when you're doing what you're doing;
It's what you're doing, when you're doing what it looks like you're doing.
 22 May 2009 23:03
Looks great to me. A very nice pose and she seems happy and
I guess if your Posette is having a great time then that's
all that matters.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 23 May 2009 13:04
Thanks for the comments everyone. Looking at the image now, I really wish I had spent more time postworking the spot where Posette's right arm meets her shoulder/torso. Also there are some things about Poser I don't think I'll ever understand--for example on both her hands her fingers are actually IN the wall but in the end it still appears as a bad pose where the fingers aren't even touching the wall. This happens to me all the time and I don't know what to do about it.

@whazizname, I agree about the skin. After recently looking at various stuff by other artists I noticed that many of the Poser images I consider highly photorealistic used a much higher value of reflectivity for human skin than I had been using in the past, so I've been experimenting with this lately and haven't found the best value yet.

I made this skin texture a while ago to complement the redheaded Kyoko Hair Mk3 texture I made, and it's intended for a woman who is older and has lots of freckles which tend to get bigger as a person ages (this sub-version has a lot of make-up on, but without the make-up the face successfully looks quite middle-aged). When I've used it in the past it was in scenes with much more subdued lighting, but in this strongly-lit render I too noticed when working on it that it looks like she has a rash or something.

@tda42, I was pleased to read you thought she looks happy. When I study my favorite RL pinup models it's very obvious to me that I like them not because they are pretty (certainly they are that, of course) but because they consistently present interesting and emotive facial expressions no matter what photographer/set/lighting they are working with, and that they seem to want us to know they are a participant in the photo/painting process as opposed to being a prop or scenery element (like a bowl of fruit, etc). I try to capture this spirit of 'talented modelness' with Posette. Given my general objectives it's hard though to strike a balance between a facial pose that's expressive without being exagerrated/cartoonish, while still being subtle enough to look realistic, and without degenerating to the odd blank 'It's cold in here and I have to go to the bathroom so let's get this over with already' stare sadly seen in zillions of nekkid lady pics.

An interesting question when composing an image like this is whether or not the model should be looking directly into the camera. Generally in pin-up art the model always looks straight at the viewer, while in fine-art photography the model never looks into the camera. I like both styles and base everything I do on elements of both. When dealing specifically with Posette, it can be a problem if she's looking directly into the camera as the viewer is then more aware that a surreal person is staring at them and is less likey to take in the overall image. On the other hand if she's intently staring at something other than the camera, the viewer might be distracted into wondering what's so interesting off-camera and why the image didn't show it.

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