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Poster: Maelstromme
Image: Rebeckah
Image Details: ID: 6078 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 577 x 522 (301KB)
Posted: 03 Dec 2010 02:21
Views: 165
Pic Description: Rebeckah Standish was one of the prettiest women in the villiage of Ennis Brae. She had many suitors, and was well loved by her family and friends there. She met her end one fateful night at the hands of a spurned lover as she sat in the garden trellis her father had built for her. With malice in his heart, the cruel bastard Reid McMasterson attacked Rebeckah and decapitated her with his fathers own sword, vowing if he could not have her no man ever would. Despite his familes attempts to grant their only son leniency in the courts, the boy was dragged out of his cell and hanged for murder. The gardens behind the Standish home are well manicured.....except for the overgrown garden trellis spot where Martin and Greta Standish decided to bury their beloved Rebeckah. On certian nights however, if you go and look at the trellis you might be amazed at what you find. According to the townsfolk around there, Rebeckah still sits there, forelornly holding her severed head demurely in her lap....Yet another poor soul trapped between the realms with unfinished business........It seems she pines for the life she once had....but one never knows.

This was a little play for me, working with diffrent techniques and aspects in my poser program for the first time....this was the result. Any positive feedback is appreciated!

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Poster Message
 03 Dec 2010 13:43
For some that just look at the art will wonder what it is all about. Then you read the Story and it all comes together. The blues are of night time sadness. The story plays like other lovers who can't stand to be alone without the other and jealousy plays the part of the departed. If in limbo if there is a place then one wonders if she is thinking of what went wrong or the heartbreak of being alone forever. Very nice work and story.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 03 Dec 2010 17:47
Thanks for the wonderful comment Kenny. I was experimenting with the floating heads in Poser is how this came about. Alot of texture work and layering for the ghostly effect here as well. I have a free program called imaginicle that helps me with some of the simpler effects. Everyones encoragement has gotten me out of my shell about doing things of this type and I really appreciate all the kind words and honest appraisals. It really helps me become a better artist. This is a Posette as well. I do my best work with her! Again, thanks for viewing!

I am smiling.
 05 Dec 2010 02:13
Great job with the spectral effect!

Great story too!

Here we go!

 06 Dec 2010 16:42
You are very kind Johnny.Thanks for viewing!!!

I am smiling.
 07 Nov 2012 17:09
Nice work Maelstromme, the write up is sad, but very well done.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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