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Poster: leahman
Image: Yawie-Zowie
Image Details: ID: 7646 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 800 x 800 (207KB)
Posted: 12 Jul 2014 21:57
Views: 118
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Alien Caves

Poster Message
 12 Jul 2014 22:03
Good Goolie - Big Zoolie !

Yawie - Zowie`!

Everybody has limits… Even Pop-eye the Sailor was known for
"Thatz 'All I can stands... I can't stands `No More …"

Today, sincerely 'were it within my power… If it were `put to me…

I'd be willing -to exchange the experience `how I `spent my Day,
`to that of ...sitting in a room, across `from the Tormentor…
with... the day I had. I mean, Fans, there comes a time - to run up
the white flag. Doubtlessly, those `Of You, who've actually BEEN
in the presence... of the Tormentor, are left... gasping for breath...
at this statement, and are... blankly asking…
"You mean… It's THAT bad?"

Obviously… While each of you.. probably goes under the premise
that you alone `among the human race, are NEVER, going to come
to `an END, and certainly, I Wish, a Quick and Painless…
experience, for each of you, I can only remark in truth,
a painful… lenghty demise, is something I wouldn't wish, on anybody.

 12 Jul 2014 22:17
Sometimes I wish I knew a magic word that could make all bad things go away for those I care about. I really wish it could be that easy. Sadly, it's not. I'm sorry for your pain Robert and I will pray for you. You are loved here and will be missed when that time finally comes for you.

I am smiling.
 13 Jul 2014 12:32
I admire your courage Leahman, and you have my prayers

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 13 Jul 2014 21:42

Here we go!

 13 Jul 2014 22:24
Hello -Friends...

Today ... I wanted to tell everyone...
that I `Not Only...
Hold the Record...
for winning the most games in the PF Gameroom...
I set `a RECORD...
for the most ...
And 'I assure you... that I wasn't `EVEN trying!


Sadly... I found -that that one
doesn't rate... CASH PRISES...

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