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Korriban Landing Platform

Poster: Nik
Image: Korriban Landing Platform
Image Details: ID: 8347 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1089 x 572 (82KB)
Posted: 12 Jun 2020 18:08
Views: 105
Pic Description: Free set extracted from XNALara by torol:

There''s a bunch of steps + rooms behind the facade, and a vast sky-dome overhead. We''re talking ''Ancient Egyptian'' lay-out and styling, plus hyper-tech updates...

I''m not a SW gamer or fan, but I saw this set and went, ''Ooh, Shiny !!''

My registered ($$) 3DOC exported the XPS file to OBJ/MTL. Despite much iteration, I could *NOT* find a compatible ''original'' import scale for it.

So, I tried Poser''s other OBJ import option, ''Scale to figure''. Finally, got OBJ in at ~5000 %, literally 50x figure. All the textures loaded automatically, which was a great relief. I iterated scale up to 160% as a fair stab at the proportions. Still, I reckon it is much too small, should be almost double.

Rendered in Superfly. At first, thwarted by the complexity, Poser just stopped with a blank screen. I progressively halved buckets count from my twin cards'' 1024 default to 16, at which point Superfly behaved.

Took me several false-starts to find a happy medium between under- and over-exposure lighting. Then I went off and had two well-earned mugs of strong tea while Poser rendered its ''32 pixels'' *very* slowly.

Upside, I''ve learned how to work around the ''blank render'' Superfly issue.
Downside, PoserPro 11.3''s garbage collector cannot cope with such a massive file and its ~155 detailed textures. After I exported the render image, the UI became erratic, had to be closed...

I''ve asked DA''s SW community for an estimate of statue with/out base, step or sill to lintel doorway height(s), the better to figure correct import scaling...N

Pictures Navigation
Barefoot in the woods...
Corridor set
Korriban Landing Platform
Sultry Desert Nights in the City of Thieves
Oooh, Shiny !!

Poster Message
 26 Jun 2020 15:41
Good work setting it up.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 26 Jun 2020 19:42
Some-where in this mega-set's back rooms, there's a chair at a console. If I find that, I can estimate scale a bit better. I reckon I'm off by a factor of 4~~5...

I'm also hoping to slice this mega-set into scenery modules. Finding a 3D editor with a UI I can grok *and* will cope with such a big file has proved non-trivial...

When I've shaken off this cold --NOT Covid !!-- I may throw the OBJ/MTL into TurboCAD and see what breaks.

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