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Madoka Cosplay

Poster: Nik
Image: Madoka Cosplay
Image Details: ID: 8437 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1520 x 571 (88KB)
Posted: 09 Sep 2021 16:41
Views: 44
Pic Description: AzureBerylBlue posted two totally cute ''Madoka'' kids ripped from Superdimensional.

After some trial and error, I loaded their FBX files into Poser at ~10k original scale. Where, yay, they auto-loaded their textures.

Kudos, ABB: Too many artists hard-path FBX file calls deep into *their* drives...

Pink Madoka arrived as a jumbled heap, her face / mask nearby. I zeroed her rotations, and those of her mask. Happily, everything untangled, aligned. But, I could neither move nor pose her reliably. A look at the imported hierarchy showed three (3) rigs, some experimenting found I must use ''Galaxy1''.

Dark Akemi arrived intact, except for her nearby face / mask. Zeroing its rotations aligned that. The hierarchy showed two (2) rigs, with ''Under'' used to pose.

A quickie Superfly test render showed everything worked, but those costume colours needed more light. Then I set Superfly, progressive, 64 pixel samples, vol-bounces and buckets, sent the job to my network render ''Box''.

Whoosh !! Ran 16:40 to 17:15. The render is *not* cropped: 1520x570 window straddles two displays...

Pictures Navigation
DE RE2 Bonus Taxidermy rooms
Retro Rocketry !!
Madoka Cosplay
Seeing the Light...
Come out, come out, I can hear you snuffling...

Poster Message
 10 Sep 2021 02:12
Nice render there Nik! Is this default lighting? I like how the colours came out

 10 Sep 2021 09:31
Preview looked a bit dim, and trial render came out a bit drab. IIRC, I dialled light #1 from ~25% to ~65% to brighten scene, felt was okay.

I saved the PZ3, will be playing with it. I've begun to wonder what those figures 'other' rigs are doing, and if I can hide them using 'hierarchy' to simplify posing. Just clicking on a limb usually selected the 'wrong' rig. I had to drill down through correct rig's eg Spine1 Parts to get at arms and hands. Why the 'other' rigs came with dials you could see and twirl, but usually did nothing baffled me...

 13 Sep 2021 12:24
Like the outfits.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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