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Wood + wood-stove = cosy...

Poster: Nik
Image: Wood + wood-stove = cosy...
Image Details: ID: 8569 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 515 x 601 (25KB)
Posted: 14 Feb 2023 02:51
Views: 69
Pic Description: I like to adapt models for use in Poser. Re-rigging figures is beyond me, but DS props'' DUF and DSF files may often be converted to portable OBJ+MTL format. Either I use ($$) DSF Tools, which is stand-alone but may ''choke'' on files above ~1 MB (YMMV), or I load into DS and export from that. The DS'' conversion is fast, reliable and includes MTL, but UI hurts my ageing eyes...

I often use Autodesk''s classic free ''FBX Tools'' to adapt FBX props to OBJ+MTL. Yes, Poser may load FBX, but results vary...

Also, I can run high-poly OBJs through Atangeo''s ($$) ''Balancer'' to simplify them for ''Level of Detail'' or merely shoe-horn into Poser: Not needed here...

This test-scene has...
1) The neat wood-pile model by enxo69

Default imports ''large''. Think ''Giant Redwood''. Even using ''Drop to Floor'', I had to switch scene to ''wire-frame'' to find a corner. These ~0.15% scale. Original ''duplicated'' twice, with one stack turned 180ยบ.

2) Realistic glass-fronted stove with ashes tray by chacornac

Took me a while to pair the nice textures with the multiple materials as my French is a tad rusty. Set Alpha-channel maps supplied for the flames and coals to ~100% transparent. Set glass front ~85% transparent. I re-used the ''flames'' texture as their ''ambiance'', dialled it beyond 1.00 to ''alight''. Note cosy fire-side glow reflected from floor ??

As scene was not too complex, rendered ''locally'' with Superfly, 64 pixel samples, progressive, 1024 vols+buckets and both GPU cards.

Sorry, write-up terse due sub-editing by Duty Cat...

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This is ''Gadomar'' ??
Road to no-where...
Wood + wood-stove = cosy...
We''ll need a full forensic team...

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