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Kitty Nikky

Poster: Deviant_Viking
Image: Kitty Nikky
Image Details: ID: 1785 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1024 x 768 (236KB)
Posted: 26 Dec 2004 00:30
Views: 145
Pic Description: Cuteness overload!
This is Nikky, a 4 week old kitten one of my cousins brought with her to our christmas dinner at the grandparents.
She's really too young to be taken away from her mother, but if it hadn't happen now, she'd be put down (how can anyone do that to something this adorable?)
Oh, and she's not scared shitless like someone commented she just got the typical big eyes children have

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Jimmy at my computer
My Little Angel
Kitty Nikky
I just love my soda
Okay where's the soda mom?

Poster Message
 26 Dec 2004 00:58
Are you sure she's not scared? Those claws are coming out!

Mikky: I wish they wouldn't chock me so much!! I haven't done anything wrong! The dog deserved to get his nose scratched for sniffing my ass!!!

 26 Dec 2004 02:15
awwww, lovely kitty


The bananas rock once more.
 26 Dec 2004 10:07
Love the racing stripe. A cute kitty!

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 28 Dec 2004 15:46
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww can't really say much else to that, shes just too cute.

i will enjoy the time i have
 01 Jan 2005 05:17
...the claws and wide eyes are typical just like young human children`s .
I call them eyes of wonder!..everything is so new to these eyes.

"the brite good morning voice, whose heard but never seen"
 06 Jan 2005 16:05

I like cats a lot ! She is very beautiful with those orange spots !

 07 Feb 2005 01:02
Ohhhh can I have her???? I love kittens (and cats) but my other half is mean and won't let me have any more pets
My son has 3 cats and he's always sending me pictures of them, l feel like they are my grandkids now lol

My mom used to love getting a kitten small like that so she could go out and buy a toy dolls bottle and feed the kitten herself, an excuse to cuddle it more I think lol

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
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