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Andreas and The Band

Poster: tda42
Image: Andreas and The Band
Image Details: ID: 4914 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1000 x 786 (78KB)
Posted: 20 Jul 2008 22:46
Views: 128
Pic Description: As a musician I can understand all the ups and downs and believe me when I say I have had my fair share of them. A hard working musician plays from the heart. With great sacrifice. A lot of hours as well as the feeling and wonder if the crowd will like their work. Also the people being tired and it is time to hit the road again. Sort of like the song Bread sang in the 70s The Guitar Man. He's just got to find another place to play. My last work of this project. This has been different. Here is to you Andreas my friend.

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A Lee Ann
Andreas and The Band
So ugly!

Poster Message
 21 Jul 2008 01:32
WOW this is GREAT Kenny !!

Your style mixed fits perfectly with all the band ! And Andreas sure looks better than in the real world ...

(Please dont' do the same for me as leahman suggested , he insists in depicting me like a ugly fat man and I'm ashamed )

 21 Jul 2008 05:30
GREAT Job Kenny— and I know -how Andreas's heart is touched...
~As YOU know...
I certainly do not insist 'on depicting Tormie 'as ugly or fat— or anything
But unlike ... E V E RY O N E— E L S E— we 'have 'no picture...
for reference... so sadly, -I can only guess... I removed 'the glasses
since he says he perfers to see 'a blurry world, to wearing his glasses...
It's NOT LIKE I would not 'be accurate -if only I could...
'and It's not like 'I make ME— slim, or handsome or anything !
We know 'what Andreas looks like and we know you did him proud...
But without ... a picture... to go by...

I like -the 'Les Paul— a lot.
ANYWAY— You Deserve for doing this...
This is— a Fine Gift that you have given, and a fine thing 'you have done.

 21 Jul 2008 11:36

Well done, great scene ( ... though, I'f I had the choice I'd have an all girl band )

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