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In Trouble II

Poster: JanReinar
Image: In Trouble II
Image Details: ID: 6659 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1000 x 1000 (205KB)
Posted: 14 Dec 2011 03:22
Views: 130
Pic Description:

Pictures Navigation
In Trouble
Under a Red Giant Star
In Trouble II
In The Jungle
Sea View

Poster Message
 14 Dec 2011 06:26
- I need some story -with this....

From the poses and expressions—
I'm guessing
that the General, is General Wilson, ( not a nice guy) `who just found Out—
everyone around him, for some time, are Confederate Agents ... (the Good Guys)
who'd planned to take him prisoner... However— The Yankee
Troopers, under him (`they don't like him `either...) and Somebody
managed`something in his Soup ( Nausia + Explosive Dirreahia )
The plan— was `to tie his hands... and 'ride 55 miles `on horseback...
...... ( Up & Down + Up & Down -on 'th Saddle)

Now they're allthinking...
"-I am NOT... riding -Behind 'this for two hours.."

His `BVD's— are -`As FULL... of it...

`As the `Rest -of him...

'(Hey— I 'Love `the general's expression)

 14 Dec 2011 21:17
Nice work JanReinar, for the visuals, and Leahman, for the write up.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 15 Dec 2011 14:15
The guy in front doesn't look to happy.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 15 Dec 2011 22:07
Yeah, I don't understand he has some good support behind him.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 15 Dec 2011 22:38
John and Hasle ( ) went through a time tunnel, or is this a holo deck?
But I must agree, the postman looks a bit upset
Great work on the scenery and material setup

 16 Dec 2011 12:59
John is not in the picture Andreas , the Hasle partner in this adventure is Ian, the cavalry officer with green eyes and scars, but the original idea for the pic involved different historical periods and stolen gold!

The guy with the beard is only a infantry major Robert but you wrote a great story!

Here we go!

 16 Dec 2011 18:23
... now I can see, I didn't notice the detail on Ian. But I was right recognizing Hasle ( ) at least...

 05 Jan 2012 16:28

It's not what you look like, when you're doing what you're doing;
It's what you're doing, when you're doing what it looks like you're doing.
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