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Poster: Deviant_Viking
Image: Sailing
Image Details: ID: 352 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 680 x 850 (151KB)
Posted: 09 Sep 2003 20:07
Views: 161
Pic Description: -I've never seen such careless use of the RPLG!
-Will you let it go already.
-You blew up your ship!
-We're still afloat, aren't we?
-Yeah. In a giant bowl!
-It's not so bad.
-A.. giant.. bowl..
-We're floating.. all that matters.
-Who the hell keeps a giant bowl on their ship anyway?
-It was a gift from a friend.
-And where are we going? Do you even have a clue where we're heading?
-Looking for the others. We were supposed to meet.
-And you think you're gonna find them, without the ship?
-I'm sure of where it is.
-You were also sure that throwing the RPLG down into the cargo bay wasn't gonna do any harm, and look at us now.
-So the ship blew up, big deal. I'll get another one.
-That's not the point! The point is, you blew up your ship, and now we're sailing around in a giant bowl! And we're not gonna find them, especially if you think you're sure where we're headed!
-And I who bought this suit to show off for the others...


Looks like everybody's headed for the low poly galleon.
Just my insane part in this

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Too late...
Make my day....
Da 3 Bimbo's
Shattered Faith

Poster Message
 10 Sep 2003 02:28
lmao: Well now that I've wiped the tears from my eyes so I can see to type and my laughing fit has stopped, I sure hope your "bowl" floats long enough to find us! heheheheh, Oh gawd this was too funny!

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
 11 Sep 2003 00:13
if ya gonna keep it where ya gonna put your army =D>
i sugest a bigger boat lmao:

 11 Sep 2003 00:22
dont worry i havent got much of a boat etheir i,
iam geting there i got a rock a board and a wheel
and my teddy bear

 11 Sep 2003 17:34
lmao: lmao: Continue sailing and you will discover America! lmao: lmao:

 11 Sep 2003 19:47
Already have Tormentor, long before Columbus

Every night will have a day.
Even forever must come to an end. I think...
 11 Sep 2003 21:36
eh eh eh!

 13 Feb 2005 04:35


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