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more from real world...#1

Poster: ahjah
Image: more from real world...#1
Image Details: ID: 366 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 800 x 600 (153KB)
Posted: 19 Sep 2003 02:46
Views: 285
Pic Description: Here are again some pics of my band "UNITED GENERATION" and me at work.
they were taken at an open air event that takes place near our´s every last weekend in August since 24 years by now.
The special thing ´bout this festival is, it´s free,
so everybody can afford enjoying this three days of love, peace, and happyness
...´t was little money, but big fun

more information bout the band at
sorry, only german by now...

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My Alien Costume
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Poster Message
 19 Sep 2003 15:56
Cool! Looks like you had a good time.

 19 Sep 2003 23:59
Love the big outdoor concerts, but I usually have to pay.

Looking cool there, Ahjah.

What style of music?

Computer Lie #1: You'll never use all that disk space.

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
 20 Sep 2003 19:18
reggae with extra african influences from our singer from Togo
I´ll tell you when we have some demo mp3s up

 20 Sep 2003 20:38
=D> Hey Ahjah, why don't attach a little *.wav to a post ?

 21 Sep 2003 02:45
Lookin' forward to hearing the mp3s, let us know when they're up.

Yeah, the look was reggae, but I didn't want to guess I've been wrong about these things before and upset people.

Computer Lie #1: You'll never use all that disk space.

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound as they fly by." - Douglas Adams
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