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Malaysian Toll Gate

Poster: hanzoushinrei
Image: Malaysian Toll Gate
Image Details: ID: 4989 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1536 x 1152 (313KB)
Posted: 05 Sep 2008 06:21
Views: 798
Pic Description: The design of the toll gates are beautiful.......until you receive the toll fee. Egad! RM120??? (USD$40+).

well, at least the toll gate girls are pretty.

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Malaysian Toll Gate

Poster Message
 05 Sep 2008 21:00
Then you should include 'a photo - of the Toll Girls....

—(Tempted to ask 'what else he gets 'for such a price)

The only toll road 'I know— charges $0.50....
even then, donkey threatens 'to swim across the river...
— the toll guard 'he is not remotly pretty...

 07 Sep 2008 19:13
Great motive for a photo
The iteration looks almost fractal...

 08 Sep 2008 05:05
Whoa! 40 bucks for toll!?!

Thanks for sharing this photo; I think this may be my first time seeing a Malaysian flag.

It's not what you look like, when you're doing what you're doing;
It's what you're doing, when you're doing what it looks like you're doing.
 08 Sep 2008 06:43
Ha ha.....just messing with y'all. The toll fee here depends on how far you started in the highway. If you come from Johore (south of Malaysia) and come to a toll farther North, it'll be higher than what you'll get if you just travel through only one toll gate (enter expressway, then exit at the next exit) as low as RM0.50

Gentlemen, good evening. Ladies, good night.

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