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Have at thee, foul ''Box'' !!

Poster: Nik
Image: Have at thee, foul ''Box'' !!
Image Details: ID: 8480 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 490 x 572 (24KB)
Posted: 17 Feb 2022 19:01
Views: 64
Pic Description: This is another of those multi-format freebie figure-ports by HiGuys920

FBX loads into Poser at 100% original scale, with a single, well-behaved rig. As it should.

The many textures auto-loaded, including transparency masks. Due some quirk of Poser, these were set to 0% instead 100%. Fortunately, only a dozen or so to change, a few seconds for each. No big deal...

Again, per several previous figures, the facial textures looked okay, but rendered like a ''raccoon'' mask. I''d tried all-sorts with the others. One was the first such, I set it aside. Second was beset by so many hair materials, I lost track. This time, I got lucky. Or, found a fix. I''m not sure which, will have to dissect and reverse-engineer what I''ve done. Then have it work for the others...

In passing, I made a simple ambience mask for the sword, dialled its two jewels to a pretty glow. Did same for head-dress and bustier clip.

As you see, the figure may be posed fairly well. The rig-parts'' naming is a bit weird, but I''m just glad it all behaves.

I''d done umpteen trial renders on this ''Tower'', sent a 96-pix-sample job to the networked ''Box''. Looked a bit dull and fuzzy, so I upped the lighting, set 320 DPI instead of default 72, re-ran.
(Model does not support subdivision, at least that I could find...)

No, still same resolution...

After checking manual, could not find anything wrong.

Plan_B, set render dimensions double the preview size, sent job to ''Box''. Is ~20% done after ~30 mins, I''ll go eat.

I''ll post facial artifacts before / after in comments.

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Poster Message
 17 Feb 2022 19:03
A couple of test renders, before and after my afternoon of wrangling...


 18 Feb 2022 14:17
Not yet figured what I did 'right', will re-re-caffeinate and try again.

But, collected 20+ DA freebie multi-format figures with same 'style' from same 'porter' to test any fix I think I've found...

 19 Feb 2022 02:03
There's something weird going on with the textures around the figure's eyes. I reckon I'd serendipitously hit a 'sweet spot', as even a few percent either way on a dozen settings look very wrong...

Took most of the day to 'iterate' back to where I'd begun, progressively simplifying...

My best guess is Poser does not need the eye-liner etc transparency masks. At least with them removed, there's a broader 'solution'.

Also, eye-liner etc textures' PNGs may be 'wonky': I had to strip out their Alpha channels...

I *think* I've caught the hint of a viable work-flow. Won't know until I can reliably load the FBX and texture this figure, then several more...

 20 Feb 2022 06:57
Thank you kindly Nik! I wonder, if there is a specific application, common amongst those who successfully port well-behaved FBX figures. What is it, that those porters do, that achieves that ?

 20 Feb 2022 14:34
I've asked and asked, but there's such a zoo of eg Blender rigs, I/O plug-in versions and parameters, that a lot seems down to dumb luck and serendipity.

IIRC, one artist's cute FBX figure port was perfect, impeccably behaved in Poser. Another figure port, barely a fortnight later, with 'exactly' the same work-flow and parameters, was a wreck. Between, Blender and/or plug-ins had had teeny-tiny, apparently trivial updates, but the 'wheels came off the bus'...

To that artist's credit, was very upset...

Older versions of FBX, ~6.1, are usually better than recent 7.4+, but there are honourable exceptions, such as the render above. 'Rigged in Maya' usually works. I must surmise that has such a high 'seat price' it includes Autodesk's actual SDK, rather than Blender's open-source reverse-engineered plug-ins.

Though 'Make Human' exports at FBX v6.1 (2016) seem to work in Poser, I still cannot get that 'Guards ! Guards !!' freebie trio to network-render with textures.

Okay, I haven't tried for several weeks, but they're on my 'ToDo' list...

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