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Posette in the Morning

Poster: Endosphere
Image: Posette in the Morning
Image Details: ID: 5214 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 900 x 675 (266KB)
Posted: 24 Dec 2008 02:54
Views: 135
Pic Description: Rendered in Poser 4 with some post-work in Paint Shop Pro (mainly I smoothed edges, improved Posette''s knees, shoulders, and hip, and used 1 adjustment layer to brighten the colors a little).

As I am striving to improve my skill levels, constructive criticism is welcomed about any aspect of the image.

Another scene where my main goal was to study lighting, since I think I am weak in that area. Before starting the scene my objective was to have a strong backlight (through the window) while still having Posette lit well-enough to be seen clearly (but not looking washed-out and overlit). It turned out this was made much more difficult by my decision to have a dark-skinned Posette, but I''ve been working on this skin texture lately and wanted to look at it in a serious image. The light through the window is an infinite light, and there are four spotlights in a giant arc to Posette''s right (although two of them are too dim to really cast any significant shadows). A secondary concern in this scene was to do damage control on Posette, since sitting with the knees drawn towards the chest is a very unflattering pose for her hip and knee joints; hopefully she looks fairly natural. There was major reconstructive surgery on her left knee in post-render editing; while there was no shadow there in the original render I''m wondering if I should have added one.

I originally wanted to have the woodwork around the window and alcove be much more ornate, but admittedly I got bored manipulating squares and boxes.

Posette wears the \"Cool Bob\" hair by Janet Glover with my own textures for the hair and for Posette; ashtray by FastTraxx; outdoor/trees background by HoboBo; unfortunately I do not know who made the coffee cup. Most of the other things in the scene I made myself out of Poser primitive squares and boxes (the window gridwork for example is just a transparency map on a Poser square).

I can''t take all the credit for the overall composition of this scene as it was generally inspired by a black-and-white photo found on an amateur photograpy website, but I won''t mention the source since it''s from an adult-oriented site.

Merry Christmas to everyone at Posetteforever.

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Poster Message
 24 Dec 2008 03:06
Wow she really does look authentic Endosphere you did a great job on her face and body! I like the true ethnic look she has very soft and warm. thank you for sharing this!

I am smiling.
 24 Dec 2008 03:24
I love the light. That is a great job on her. I like the pose and smile. Very nice.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 24 Dec 2008 11:41
Great work with the expression and pose!

Here we go!

 24 Dec 2008 12:25

It's not what you look like, when you're doing what you're doing;
It's what you're doing, when you're doing what it looks like you're doing.
 26 Dec 2008 13:13
very nice!

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