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Poster: Maelstromme
Image: Rosalinda
Image Details: ID: 5277 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 400 x 400 (91KB)
Posted: 09 Feb 2009 03:39
Views: 159
Pic Description: Just a little character work for Posette that I did. Please tell me what you think, any comments or suggestions to make this any better I would appreciate . I hope you enjoy it.

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Valentine 2009-03
Rosalinda II
Buffy in Primitive Outfit

Poster Message
 09 Feb 2009 11:24
Great work with the face MT and the dress texture!

Here we go!

 09 Feb 2009 13:56
Thanks for the view Jan I appreciate it!!!

I am smiling.
 09 Feb 2009 14:41

 09 Feb 2009 23:24
Thanks maovin for looking at my work!

I am smiling.
 10 Feb 2009 00:26
Well I always thought you where a good face maker. The characters always stick
out and amaze me. As far as telling you what I think about these wonderful girls as well as the Dork I seen.
You have to be in the top ten with Poser characters. You seem to do what I have never seen with a Dork and that
is really make him into something outside a comedy act. The women are always tops in my way of looking
at it. Out side of Andreas and a couple of others you are the best.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 10 Feb 2009 01:28
Wow tda42 I wasn't expecting that I am blown away. I'm truly honored that you feel that way about my work. I get loads of praise and inspiration from all of you here which truly does help me try better things. P4 man turned out better than I expected he sadly has less to work with than Posette but for my first real attempt with him the feedback was very positive and I will work on another male in the future. Thank you again my friends for the comments and the feedback they are always appreciated and helpful!!!

I am smiling.
 10 Feb 2009 14:25
I agree; top notch morph work!

You asked for suggestions to "make this better"...; the first thing that I noticed was the hair. I think a little softening of the hairline would help. (I understand that some hair props do not accept this type of texturing very well; but maybe it could be added in postwork...)

Perhaps a tiny amount of bump on the skin would help too; the skin work great at a distance; but in the closeup it seems a bit flat.

Excepting those two little things, this is a beautifully, and skillfully created Posette portrait!!

It's not what you look like, when you're doing what you're doing;
It's what you're doing, when you're doing what it looks like you're doing.
 10 Feb 2009 16:59
Thanks for the tips and the vote of confidence Whazizname I will give your suggestions a try. I am also working on more skins with hair on them for problems like the hairline with this peice I found one in the happyworldland textures and I found that it works well in use with more primitive hair models to give the illusion of more hair or a better hairline as well. I'll try a bumpmap on this peice as well and see if it helps too. Thanks for the advice and the view I appreciate it!!!!

I am smiling.
 14 Jul 2011 23:45
Excellent work.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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