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page 276 of Varinka, my graphic novel-in-progress

Poster: jwarndt
Image: page 276 of Varinka, my graphic novel-in-progress
Image Details: ID: 7524 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 800 x 600 (122KB)
Posted: 17 Feb 2014 21:23
Views: 75
Pic Description: I got terribly bogged down in a series of scenes back on Earth that turned out to be a great deal more complicated than I'd imagined, but now the story moves back aboard the disputed international Space Station, where 4 mutineers and their mysterious guest Varinka hold out against the station's commanders, who are hunkered down up on the American side. Here, at the beginning of the sequence leading up to the marriage of Alex and Varinka, American physiologist Monique LeBlanc asks crewmate Michael Alan Carter a question. (Please note: crewmembers are in their skivvies only because they had to turn the heat way up to acommodate Varinka, who has spent her whole life aboard an alien spaceship, and is terminally ill.)

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page 251b_2 of Varinka
page 251c of Varinka
page 276 of Varinka, my graphic novel-in-progress
page 277 of my graphic novel-in-progress Varinka
page 278 of my graphic novel-in-progress Varinka

Poster Message
 18 Feb 2014 18:12
Don't envy your troubles, but sure do appreciate your efforts with this graphic novel.

Nice scene, and perspective.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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