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Poster: guiltypleasures
Image: Michael
Image Details: ID: 1025 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1133 x 1220 (378KB)
Posted: 15 May 2004 22:41
Views: 113
Pic Description: Feeling a bit less stressed today, got a little bit of good news which helped :) So I decided to play in poser since I've neglected it a lot lately as well as M3. Here's what I came up with, hope you enjoy :) (Okay, maybe just the ladies will enjoy this the most) lol
off to render me a life sized model of this and I'll be feeling MUCH better hahaha

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Poster Message
 16 May 2004 04:26
Great... GP. I wish you luck with the render of a life sized model. Talk about unrealistic expectations... =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

 16 May 2004 05:17
I'm sure the ladies are enjoying the picture and why not.Wonderful art.Goes beyond Poser.Have at him ladies. =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 16 May 2004 06:24
Very HeMan like =D> =D> =D> =D>

 16 May 2004 10:44
Gorgeous picture!
Send me a Angel. (sing)

 16 May 2004 11:53
A great work! And I agree with Kenny and Phil!

Here we go!

 16 May 2004 12:47
Wow what a hottie!! Gorgeous angel, i love the black and white =D> =D> =D> =D>

 17 May 2004 14:59
Thank you everyone Just having a bit of fun with M3 with Raven Texture by Daio and a lot of postwork. I had planned on a color version of this and was going to title it "Angel in blue jeans" but I kind of liked the mono tones a bit better. Maybe sometime I"ll post the colored version too

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
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