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Poster: JanReinar
Image: Teri
Image Details: ID: 7748 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1000 x 1020 (242KB)
Posted: 07 Dec 2014 12:49
Views: 138
Pic Description: Teri was born and grew up the daughter of one of the most renowned scholars. With her father learned to read ancient writings. She was abducted from her hometown and trained as a slave dancer and This was her second life. The third began when she met Garth. She soon learned that life alongside the barbarian was a much more pleasant destination you would expect in the hands of her former master.

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The Haunted City
Mythril Sorceress (WIP)
The Old Castle II

Poster Message
 07 Dec 2014 12:49
I put the camera at 100mm! Thanks for the tip Ola!

Here we go!

 07 Dec 2014 12:57
85-115mm is a good range for portraits in photography.

Great work, like the back story too.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 07 Dec 2014 14:27
Glad I could be of help Johnny! I use 100mm as a rule as it adds more depth and makes it easier for me to assess how much facial morphs to use and how the clothing looks on the body. Her jewelery is lovely and you have a knack for placing it all perfectly. You can tell more about her face as well she has a lovely set of features. Where do you get all the lovely clothes I wonder?

I am smiling.
 07 Dec 2014 17:39
When I started working in Teri's face wanted a character who was young and beautiful but different from the warrior women who are the majority of my characters. Did someone more serene and more apparent fragility. Someone who appeared to need protection but also look smart and capable as the sword is not the most useful of the means.

About de clothes! May God! These are old! These are Pre Vicky Era clothes! The top came from a character pack called Lynxarians I belive its was free stuff on some place when Vicky 3 was a newbie!

Bracelets and jewelry came from the same package and I did the sandals converting a commercial kit for Micheal 2.

The body MTs are from Ahjah the face is mine!

Here we go!

 08 Dec 2014 02:57
They are still becoming to her, old or not. You are a master of costuming Johnny!

I am smiling.
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