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Black canary
Description: A Posette-based Black Canary figure by Mr. X.

Black Canary by P. Mason aka Mr. X


You can get Mover at under their freestuff utilities section or from under their free section. Why do you need this program? The mesh I use for BC has some changes but it is still property of Zygote. Since you must have the original p4nudewoman.obj file as a key to decode the enclosed .pcf file, it proves you have a copy of Poser and so can have a copy of this mesh.

This figure is a conglomerate of custom clothes and clothes I have found on the forums plus some new and borrowed textures. Acknowledgements and credit go to:

Anton Keisel for his Paulina texture,
The person who made the conforming unbuttonable shirt.
The person who posted those animal skin textures to the Props Guild.
Torino who made the eve figure.
The newhair5 morph by Jeff. H
The maker of the pubic hair prop.
Poser for the boots.
The suit is my creation and is the original Wonder Woman suit I made a while back.
MAZ for objaction Mover

Black Canary is based on my latest p4 heroine obj file. The obj file (p4femadvanced.obj) is a hybread of eve and the posette female. Its basically the lower portion of eve with the buttocks and hips and the upper portion of the p4 fem. This new figure requires the obj. I can't use objaction mover in this case.

The Black Canary cr2 is based on my heroine cr2 which has all sorts of new groupings for new materials. You can colorize the hands, fingers, upper and lower arms and legs, the chest, arm, leg and nexck bands and even a mask. These are all seperate materials on the figure. This means she has a new, csutom skin texture. The standard textures will work but not all body parts will be represented.

BC also has several added props for helpers and such. She has a focus prop which is parented to the head and the eyes are focused on it. You can move this prop around (normally its hidden) and its a great way to pose the eyes.

She has some rope props around ehr ankles, knees and wrists for those difficult heroine situations. Just unhide the prop you need. She also has a pubic hair prop. The prop is hidden and can be made visible for nudes.

BC also has several morph targets for her clothes and body that are my standard MTs. You'll find some useful lip curling and sneering MTs as well as some hand breast MTs.

A few notes about using BC:
Since she has the eve buttock body parts, she can bend over without the horrible mesh deforming that the p4 fem has. Normally, all poses work pretty well like they normally do. In some case you may have to bend the buttock sections yourself. You may notice flaring or gaping between the thighs and buttocks. Bending the buttocks and straighting the thichs usually fixes this.
The conforming clothes stay on pretty well but you may have to fudge a few areas like the ass and front of the hips. The stockings also have some twists and gaps in them at certain locations.

Copyright info:
The Black Canary CR2 and Suit are property of Paul Mason and are freeware. They cannot be used in any commercial way. All other props, textures and other items not property of Paul Mason are property of their respective creators and must be distributed according to their specified guidelines.

Unpacking directions:

1. Run winzip and load up
2. Click on the extract button and extract to your poser 4 directory. Its the same directory where your runtime diretcory is located. Make sure "User Folder Names" is checked on.
3. Run objaction mover
4. Select DECODE
5. Select the p4nudewoman.obj from the runtime:geometries:p4nudewoman directory as the seed file.
6. Select the p4femadvanced.pcf file from the runtime:geometries:p4femadvanced folder as the DIFFERENCE file.
7. Press the DECODE button. A p4femadvanced.obj file should now be in the runtime:geometries:p4femadvanced folder.
8. Load up BC and fight crime.

BC does not have the boot meshes in the zip sicne they are standard P4 objects.
Submitted by: A_C_C
Author: Paul Mason (Mr. X)
Date: 17 Aug 2011 11:04
Last Updated: None
Last Download: 06 Apr 2024 22:27
File Size: 3.03 MB
Downloaded: 74

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