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Nea 3 aeonia
Description: Nea’s features:
- Smoother look on head & body
- Uses Victoria 1-2 textures
- New realistic eyes
- Lachrymals shaped on head
- Better shaped lashes
- New teeth as body part
- Hundreds expression, head and body morphs
- ERC controlled morphs for the hands/feet Scale
- Improved joint parameters and joint controlled correction bending morphs
- Body Handles to control Breast individually
- Improved male full body morph and new male face shape
Nea 3 includes various alternative geometry modes as switches on the Body:
- Posette skin
- Multi material Suit
- Animal feet & sock
- No thumb alternative hand geometry

The download also includes poses, textures, characters, expressions, hand and utility poses

For more info about the Nea project, installation and files see the included read me PDF

I dedicate the whole Nea project to the early departed and supporter of this project, Mathman (RIP 19/2/2013)
Submitted by: Tormie
Author: PitKlad
Version: 3.0
Date: 27 Jan 2018 19:23
Last Updated: None
Last Download: Yesterday at 16:51
File Size: 0 Bytes
Downloaded: 79

Author Comments
Thanks a lot PitKlad

Another masterpiece based on our beloved Posette

I have both Poser 10 and Poser Pro 11.1 installed, but when I try to decode your OBZ geometry file using RTEncoderPy, I cannot select P4NudeWom.obz in either program\'s Geometries folder. I\'m using macOS High Sierra. What should I do?

As I understand most people have problem with the OBZ file

on the readme file there are instructions how to decompress it so as to use OBJ rte file instead.


I haven\'t worked with the py version but if the opening dialog is similar to the MS version, by default the file type is set to \".obj\", and you won\'t see any other file type for selection. If you want to select an .obz file you have to set the file type to \"*.*\" manually to show .obz files in the directory. A bit tricky, but this app is an old one and was made before Poser introduced the compressed format. Hope this helps.

the decoder always searches for an RTE file

for convenience I offer two options

and RTE file that has as a key the OBZ file


if that doesn\'t work you can always decompress the OBZ file to OBJ and use the RTE file that has as a key the OBZ file


the decoder always searches for an RTE file (you have to select decode)

for convenience I offer two options

and RTE file that has as a key the Posette OBZ file


if that doesn\'t work you can always decompress the OBZ file to OBJ (instructions on readme) and use the RTE file that has as a key the Posette OBJ file.

Thanks, PitKlad! 
Since I have The Unarchiver on my Mac mini, I was able to decompress P4NudeWom.obz and use the resulting OBJ file with RTEncoderPy. I now have the Nea 3 geometry files in my Poser 10 runtime folder. Thank you very much!

I\'m glad everything worked fine!

I hope you like her


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