An Anim8or Question for Den Tracy

An Anim8or Question for Den Tracy
Post An Anim8or Question for Den Tracy 
Hi, Dennis.

Just downloaded a few of the car models from the site you got the Hot-Rod from (lwo models) I have loaded them into Anim8or and they load fine. Save them as obj and I loose the colours when loaded into Poser.  ](*,)

This may seem like a dumb question, but how do I get the material groups and/or textures. Or do I need to regroup the areas in Anim8or and name them again?

Thanks in advance,


 Ozymandias Jones [ 18 Jun 2003 13:46 ]

An Anim8or Question for Den Tracy
Hi Den,

I got an email that said there was a reply here, but when I come here there is nothing...

I'm confused, but then it doesn't take much to do that.


 Ozymandias Jones [ 20 Jun 2003 05:37 ]
Hi, my name´s not den,
but maybe a small application, called getlwtex may solve the problem. it´s at Anthony Appleyard´s page

its at the bottom of the page...

so long

 ahjah [ 20 Jun 2003 16:16 ]
Den... Den.. Where's Den  :bigrinnin: !

 Tormie [ 20 Jun 2003 20:18 ]
Thanks Ahjah, I'll give it a try.

 Ozymandias Jones [ 21 Jun 2003 01:04 ]
Worked like a dream. Had to flip some of the normals, but otherwise perfect.

I had most of Anthony's stuff, but not this one.

Thanks again, Ahjah.

 Ozymandias Jones [ 21 Jun 2003 03:11 ]
Again with my posting on old stuff, heh.  But here goes...

Just another way to try it:

When I'm a creating a model in Anim8or I assign my material sections to basic colors (not worrying about what colors I'm actually going to want them in Poser).

1)   After my material sections are set I choose Select>By Material
      At the prompt I select what Material I want

2)   Then I click Edit>Detach Faces.
       I do this one by one until it's been done for all my materials.

3)   Now make sure all of the individual sections are appropriately named.

4)   Then I select all of the parts/detached materials sections for the model and export it to .OBJ format.

From there I take it into the great lil freebie UVMapper.
1)   Now load up your model, and click Edit>Tile>by Group.  
      At the prompt check the resize groups box and click OK.  
      This will lay everything out for you (and make more sense of what might have looked like a mess when you first loaded your model).  

2)   Next click Edit>Select>by Group (this is where the individual section names come into play)
      At the prompt choose which item you want to assign a material to first.  

3)   Next click Edit>Assign>to Material
      At the prompt type in a material name, no spaces, no funky characters/symbols.  
      It will alert you there is no such Material and would you like to create it click Yes.  

Here comes the repetitive part if you have a lot of sections...  Go thru and repeat the steps 2-3 in UVMapper until all of your groups have been assign a material.

4)   Click Edit>Color>by Material (this will colorize each material section for easier texturing later.)

5)   Click File>Save Texture Map and save your texture map to where ever you like

6)   Click File>Save Model
      At the prompt leave selection at default and click OK, navigate to where ever you want to save your file then click Save.

Ta-Da!  Now your file should be fine to import into Poser and from there you can assign it color overlays, highlights, textures, etc.

I really hope this is of help to someone one!  Anim8or is a great program I'm happy to promote and help with if I can.  If you have any question please feel free to email me.  Now that I'm thinking about it I might write a full tutorial with screenshots for this (if it is of use).

Thanks and take care    :dancing:

Last edited by pbnj on 25 May 2004 13:42; edited 1 time in total 
 pbnj [ 27 Apr 2004 17:19 ]

Now that I'm thinking about it I might write a full tutorial with screenshots for this (if it is of use).

It will be extremely useful  :bigrinnin:  :bigrinnin:  :bigrinnin: !!!

 Tormie [ 27 Apr 2004 18:12 ]
Once I have the tutorial completed and ready to go how would you like it?  I'll post it on my site of course and I could just link it here if you like?  Or I could just make a forum post with all the info and link to the screenshots I'll include?   :-k

 pbnj [ 28 Apr 2004 16:23 ]
Whatever is the easiest for you is probably the best.
To us, either method is acceptable.

 Den Tracy [ 28 Apr 2004 18:10 ]
If you have it on you site a link it's enough, I want to start a little tutorial section in our diary... Thank you in advance... :bigrinnin:

 Tormie [ 28 Apr 2004 20:37 ]
Thanks for that. Any tutorials are welcome :bigrinnin:

 Ozymandias Jones [ 30 Apr 2004 01:45 ]
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