Improving cartoonish style...

Improving cartoonish style...
Post Improving cartoonish style... 
I'm playing with this great Z-flatten python script by Ockham (you can find it on Renderosity, it's an upload of 4 or 5 days ago) and I think it's great to improve cartoonish style ! i think you know Laura the model ( :heartbeat: >CIAF!< ... ehm... Posy says hello to all... ), so I'll show you: In the first picture you can see Laura in a "normal" render, in the second picture there is laura after using the Z-flatten Phyton script and rendering. I use Poser 4 pro and phyton scripts are in the package, but I know there is an utility somewhere that can be used if one doesn't have phyton script package included in Poser. In the second picture I moved a little the camera and pose because Laura's pose have become a little strange after flattening and stretched the rendered picture horizzontally just a little. I want to test it with an anime-style (have you red the great tutorial by SnowSultan at Renderosity ? It is in the "tutorial" section...).

Testing the script I found that you don't have to parent figures (conforming is ok, just not parented) because it creates two balls and all figures goes automatically parented to these two balls and a mess could happen...

Hope this is useful to you...

(... Meanwhile Laura and Posy are reading Guiltypleasures' "Savannah and the harley ride"  :oops: and they are chatting in a low voice... I hope Posy will not have strange ideas.... Sigh!...)

 Tormie [ 21 Jul 2003 10:31 ]

Improving cartoonish style...
i have see interesting tutorial on Renderosity for cartoon render....
but i now i m not able ti find it....
In 3dsMAX exist a specific plugin for cartoon render :-( i gave see it is fantastic :-(
 :-k  :-k  :-k

 mosca [ 21 Jul 2003 12:48 ]
the tips of Z fis a good tips,
after in photoshop or in gimp you can set saturation contrast, apply any filter you want for increase the fx


 mosca [ 21 Jul 2003 12:53 ]
Hi there
you can get the same effect, but only with single figures,
not with complete scenes, with the standard body Z-dial. donĀ“t use the body dial for rotating th e figure. for changing the aspect, deactivate IK and rotate the hip.

so long

 ahjah [ 21 Jul 2003 14:27 ]
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