Michael/P4 Dork Hybrid

Michael/P4 Dork Hybrid
Post Michael/P4 Dork Hybrid 
I posted this over at Planit 3D and thought to post it here as well.

Has anyone done a Michael/P4 Dork hybrid? I'm looking to make some figures using Michael's body with the P4 Dork's head. I know that Stahlratte has done Victoria with Posette's head and was wondering if Stahlratte has made a male version or if anyone else has. If no one has, are there any good tutorials for creating your own hybrids like Stahlratte's? Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks.

 Marv [ 11 May 2007 17:10 ]

Michael/P4 Dork Hybrid
Post Re: Michael/P4 Dork Hybrid 
Welcome to Posetteforever Marv  :thumb:  :wink: !

If I'm not wrong there should be a hybrid of Michael 2 with Dork's head in the original package  :mmmh: , but I've to check it...

 Tormie [ 11 May 2007 18:28 ]
Post Re: Michael/P4 Dork Hybrid 
Hi and welcome, Marv. :grin:
I only know of a remapped Dork to take M2 textutes at April's Vanity http://aprilsvanity.com/dlpage.php :mmmh:

 ahjah [ 12 May 2007 06:10 ]
Post Re: Michael/P4 Dork Hybrid 
I grabbed the one from April's Vanity. What I have is a P4 Male with all of the morph targets I use but I want to upgrade the musculature of the body. It doesn't necessarily have to be Michael 2 for the body. I have Michael 1 to work with as well as Musclebound and Massive Mike. I just need a way to replace the head with Dork so I can use the faces that I have with Dork for the new body.

 Marv [ 12 May 2007 22:53 ]
What does necessarily have to be Michael 2 for the body ?

 Posy [ 12 May 2007 22:53 ]
Post Re: Michael/P4 Dork Hybrid 
Maybe you ask Stahlratte via PM for some help about "frankensteining" a character, personally.
He'll know about a good tutorial for sure... :mmmh:
-> http://www.posetteforever.com/privmsg.php?mode=post&u=1374

 ahjah [ 12 May 2007 23:01 ]
Post Re: Michael/P4 Dork Hybrid 
Thanks Ahjah, I'll do that.

 Marv [ 12 May 2007 23:23 ]
You are quite welcome!    Try saying that with less context.

 Posy [ 12 May 2007 23:23 ]
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